studio and elective Peter Ruge
Peter Ruge工作室及選修課
Peter Ruge's approach to teaching explores modern, sustainable theories and methodologies of architectural programming and optimization. He aims to provide each student with the ability to select the best concepts from a set of different project ideas. The students learn how to identify the appropriate project parameters through logical reasoning and critical thinking, and develop architectural design strategies that reflect the structured inquiry process.
Theories of sustainable design:
· definition of sustainable design;
· Theoretical background study;
· Transmission of theoretical background into practical application on the basis of individual project implementation;
· Elaboration of a creative way of seeking, understanding and capturing the challenges of the project.
Practice of sustainable design:
The programming is undertaken in close cooperation with the teacher, though not limited to, a series of phases that include:
· Analysis of the task and both concrete and virtual site visit;
· Identification of criteria within the context of local, urban and cultural parameters;
· Concept formulation;
· Concept evaluation and development through the prioritization of criteria;
· Optimization of the task according to the concept;
· design development and presentation to an external jury.
by recognizing the diverse conditions of each site, criteria can be established that are most important to the project. design decisions are made following closely these demands. The result, conscious and information based, is a multilayered sustainable architectural outcome.
Hochschule Anhalt
dessau Institute of Architecture
Peter Ruge
lecturer : April 2010 - present
guest Professor : “sustainable design”
October 2012 - september 2014
new Wave - Urban design renewal for gulshan lake, dhaka
Human Plant Horse - sustainable urban transformation, Augustenhof
Three Generation House - Chongqing, China
Civic Centre - nan'an, China
EIective Peter Ruge - SustainabIe Design Methods
Winter semester 2012 - 2013: sustainable design Methods I: Introduction Introduction to sustainable design Methods & Concepts
InternationaI Master of Architecture Program
Studio Peter Ruge 1st Year
summer semester 2010: iHouse
Intelligent sustainable housing, Caputh
Winter semester 2010 - 2011: Emergency Rooms
Urban intervention on Health Care, Ernst Reuter Platz
summer semester 2011: 67UP
Healthcare and lifestyle facility for old and young berliners,Kastanienallee
Winter semester 2011 - 2012: Tu(r)ning29
Redevelopment of the Kreisel building, steglitz
summer semester 2012: (s)pacemaker
Urban redevelopment and reinvention of the gasometer, sch?neberg
Winter semester 2012 - 2013: Hi(gh) Alex
sustainable high-rise development for Alexanderplatz
summer semester 2013: (En)trance
A new sustainably developed urban entrance to berlin, drei linden
Studio Peter Ruge 2nd Year Masters Thesis
Winter semester 2013 - 2014 & summer semester 2014: (l)earning Health
Architectural and urban design concepts for the promotion of community health and education.
Winter semester 2014 - 2015 & summer semester 2015: On the Move
social strategies and urban concepts for exploring the freedom and burden of modern mobility.
Studio Advisor 2nd Year Masters Thesis
First and second examiner for various individual and collective International and german Master and bachelor Thesis projects including:
loop Home - Residential project Mongolia
summer semester 2013: sustainable design Methods II: The glasgow Effect
Investigation of city health promotion through urban intervention, glasgow, scotland
Winter semester 2013 - 2014: sustainable design Methods III: good Vibrations
Composition of harmonious spaces in architecture and urban planning, Workshop with Kyoto seika University, Kyoto, Japan
summer semester 2014: sustainable design Methods IV: good Vibrations 2
Three part workshop series in partnership with EsMOd berlin University of Arts for Fashion Masters programme and Kyoto seika University, Kyoto, Japan
Winter semester 2014: sustainable design Methods V: The devil wears EsMOd
A partnership with EsMOd berlin University of Arts for Fashion Masters program sustainability in fashion.
German Master of Architecture Program
Studio Peter Ruge 1st Year
Winter semester 2013 - 2014: Hausboot
Hausboat design, River spree
German BacheIor of Architecture Program
Studio Peter Ruge
Winter semester 2012 - 2013: Hi(gh) Alex
sustainable high-rise development, Alexanderplatz
summer semester 2013: (En)trance
A new sustainably developed urban entrance to berlin, drei linden
Winter semester 2013 - 2014: Hausboot
Hausboat design, River spree
summer semester 2014: living@school
Future spaces for intercultural communication
EIective Peter Ruge - NachhaItigkeit
Winter semester 2012 - 2013: nachhaltigkeit
Introduction to sustainable design Methods & Concepts