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2015-06-28 03:03:52TakhminaTurdialieva塔米娜
設計藝術研究 2015年4期

Takhmina Turdialieva 塔米娜

Wuhan University of Technology , 430070 Wuhan(武漢理工大學,武漢430070 )

The basics of the shape figuration

Geometry is considered as the mathematical and scientific studies of shapes and their relationships,while geometric shapes in visual art have some differences such as being flexible and not rigid as geometry. Geometric shapes are usually structured,symmetrical and contain straight lines, and can be easily represented with help of mathematic formulas. It is well-known, every form is figured out of geometric shapes like squares, rectangles, circles, ellipses and triangles. During observation of any architectural object we can scan the certain geometric shapes or mix of geometric shapes. At the Pic.1 we can see how the shape figures out of square, changing from simple shape to complex one. Besides, it presents the wave of feelings in the process of formation the shape. For example, the first shape - square is static and quite understandable unit. So we don’t need much efforts to perceive it visually. At the second shape the “a”side is going down. It feels like the square is under pressure, and dominant part of this shape is the top part. At the third shape the dominant part enlarges with “b” side. The shape looks interesting and it’s becoming more dynamic. As regards the last shape it is too complex and not understandable. It seems like the shape never stops moving and eye can’t concentrate on the shape. In other words, every form of architectural design can be explained with geometric shapes. This is how it supposed to be, otherwise, the shape of design might look confused and not aesthetic.

Architecture is supposed to get some kind of design balance, whether it is symmetrical or asymmetrical. The matter is that, the design of building without certain balance can birth discomfort during observation. This is why during the designing process,designers consider certain rules or theories, related to human’s perception. And nowadays among these rules and theories we can find Gestalt Principles,which is, in my opinion, the most significant one.For that reason that, Gestalt Principles contributed greatly to development not only in art, but in design and architecture. In 1920 when German psychologists developed theories of visual perception of Gestalt, it influenced to the further evolution of art and design so much, so the way designing architecture changed considerably; no more small details and lots of decorations, only united shapes and minimum elements.As Art director Tomasz Wagner says “simplicity is a driving force to express your feelings or thoughts”,it’s clear that the simplicity is becoming the first criteria for the design works of today. The fact of the matter is that, the shapes of whole architecture express some idea and thoughts, which gives us space to think and feel. Shapes can form an emotional reaction in both audiences and the designers who create the vision. Shape of architecture can express feelings and thoughts, so we can read architecture by language of shapes.

Feelings in shapes

At the moment when viewer observe the shape of facade, certain emotions come subconsciously, whether they are positive, negative or neutral feelings. As the famous French architect and theoretic Le Corbusier said “The light births shape, shape births feelings”,the shape is the most significant part of aesthetics in architecture. Especially nowadays, when the design of architecture first of all depends on overall shape,every architect tent to find some creative shape and form for the design. Looking for appropriate shapes is the first stage of creating architecture and architectural environment. When certain shape is found, the second stage is to use it in the certain architectural environment. As a rule, the environment dictates the shape of architecture what is supposed to be built in it. In can be said, the shape of architecture is the most important criteria in getting success and attracting public attention.

Shapes are considered as the important basic components and physical objects, which considerably help the designer to create and arrange any architectural project in designing stage. When any architectural work is criticized or examined, it is started by examining its fa?ade in order to define the aesthetic components that form the overall design.First of all, the elements is recognized, what attract the attention and appeal to senses such as line, shapes,form, texture, color and etc. All of them have influence to visual perception and each of them can give us certain feelings. But the basics of all design elements such as line, shape, form, texture is the point.

Focus on the point

Every architectural project is started from the point on drawing table. The point is considered as the simplest element of visual design. Its characteristics are simple, as it has a position in a plan or refers to a specific location in the space. However, if multiple points gathered, the human brain connects them together and visualizes them as a line, form or even a very sophisticated form or object.

Single point on specific surface can give us certain vision. The correctly found correlation between face and point contributes to some kind of feelings and thoughts. It’s important for designers to know how to express some emotions in their artwork by design elements. Let’s see some examples for expressing some feelings in shapes. Take for example at Pic.2: the point located in the middle of face, correlated equally with each side, gives us static feelings, in which can’t be felt any motion. In other words, the center of face and point are coincided, so the shape can express stability. Viewer can watch the current relationship of elements as much as one wants, and not to feel discomfort. The reason of that is the ideal relationship of face and point.

Uncomfortable feeling arises in the case if the location of the point, is so indefinite and unclear(Pic.3)that the eye can’t decide in which direction is the point. With such a fluctuation the visual assessment becomes difficult, and that interferes perceptual judgment of the viewer. As the result of that viewer has a feeling of “something is wrong”, but can’t define what is wrong exactly. For that reason,every art work should be based on geometric elements,so the shape can be recognized, whether it consists of single geometric element or mix of several ones.

If the composition is explainable with geometric lines and elements, and the direction and location of point is clear, the visual perception of such composition is considered as the most acceptable. The relationship of the point and face in Pic.3a is quite understandable,because the object is located in certain position on diagonal axis, which can be explained by geometric considerations. In case of using such a composition of object on the current quadratic surface in designing process, it could be applied for some angular composition of landscape design.

But, it should be remembered that the single object always in relationship with surrounding elements. So, if we add additional objects into the Pic.3,the uncomfortable feeling reduces, due to emerged balance among elements and mutual relationship(Pic.4). Appears connection among elements and visual perception accept it as one design composition.Good example for this can be the composition on the Pic.4a. On their own, each circle does look confused,unbalanced. But combined together, they form mutual connected objects, which are in equilibrated status. It can be said, that every object regardless its successful or unsuccessful location, can be balanced with additional objects, or unbalanced as well. Talking about the question of the influence the location of the object on its perception, we are inevitably faced with a factor of balance. All elements, especially in the artwork must be distributed in such a way that the resulting effect should be achieved balance.

The analysis shows that one of the factors what can influence to visual perception and birth some kind of feelings in audience is balance. Absence of balance causes the feelings such as instability, restlessness,worry and so on. In addition, there is one more factor no less important than balance is weight. There are many factors which can create visual weight. In Rudolph Arnheim’s opinion, visual weight can be influenced by factors such as size, color, depth, position, shape’s orientation, shape’s simplicity and ect. Let’s take for example the Pic.5. It’s about size of point which is creating visual weight. Looking at this picture we can get certain feelings of emptiness or tightness, pressure.The amount of space should be balanced, otherwise the composition gets light or heavy effects. Besides,in case of unbalance of visual weight, the relationship between objects can get disharmony. The desginers can be occupied with the question of how to determine the right size of elements, so viewer could perceive the design without visual obstacles. The answer for this question can be found in law of proportionality.Proportionality is the necessity for a certain ratio between the parts of the unite, as well as their adequacy, compliance or dependence. In mathematics,it’s well known that the proportion explains with the following formula of a : b= c : d, which is called Golden ration as well. Golden ration is one of the widespread methods of proportioning. In architecture,there are a lot of samples of Golden ration and the most significant one is Parthenon in Athens.


The aim of this article has been to analyze the relationship between shapes and visual perception of architectural environment. It can be concluded that the correlation between geometry morphology and visual perception is quite strong. Geometric shapes serve to rule the effects of visual perception. The article focuses on the simplest and the basics of every shape–point and explains the basic considerations of visual perception. Besides, the analysis explained that the right relationship between space and object always create some feelings, whether positive or negative. The location of point and the size of it play the main roles in visual perception.

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[2]Inekwe,O.I(1999)Relationship between some selected cognitive and affective factors that affect geometric reasoning abilities of senior secondary school students. Ahmadu Bello University Journal of Educational Review, 4(1).

[3]Warren,E.English, L.(1995).Facility with plane shapes: A multi faceted skill.Educational Studies in Mathematics.

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