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2015-06-26 13:00朱以明姜春巖
中華肩肘外科電子雜志 2015年1期

朱以明 姜春巖



朱以明 姜春巖

目的 提出一種基于CT的分型系統(tǒng)來評估Latarjet手術后移位喙突骨塊的吸收程度。應用該分型系統(tǒng)研究Latarjet手術后患者最終隨訪時行CT檢查以了解喙突骨吸收現(xiàn)象的發(fā)生率及嚴重程度;并了解應用該分型系統(tǒng)時檢查者之間的一致性以及檢查者自身的前后一致性。方法 選取2009年1月至2012年1月期間,63例接受切開Latarjet手術治療的患者。所有患者術前診斷均為復發(fā)性肩關節(jié)前脫位。所有患者在術后12個月時均行CT檢查。4位與手術治療無關的獨立骨科醫(yī)師對患者術后12個月隨訪時CT影像進行閱片,并采用我們提出的分型系統(tǒng)對移位喙突骨塊吸收程度進行了評估。在初次評估后3個月,4位檢查者對上述影像進行了再次評估。以ICCs系數(shù)評價各位檢查者之間檢查結果的一致性,以及每位檢查者前后兩次檢查結果的一致性。結果 在術后12個月時,移位喙突骨吸收的發(fā)生率為90.5%。其中骨吸收0級患者有6例,Ⅰ級患者26例,Ⅱ級患者25例,Ⅲ級患者6例。結論 切開Latarjet手術后12個月時,移位喙突骨塊吸收的發(fā)生率很高。該分型系統(tǒng)有優(yōu)秀的檢查者之間一致性以及檢查者自身前后一致性。




對 象 與 方 法


入選標準:(1)患者診斷為創(chuàng)傷后復發(fā)性肩關節(jié)前脫位;(2)術前均行三維CT檢查,CT enface view顯示肩盂存在明顯骨缺損;(3)手術方式為切開Latarjet術;(4)患者同意參加相關臨床研究并簽署知情同意書;(5)術后臨床隨訪超過2年,有完整的影像學評估資料(術后即刻CT與術后12個月CT)。排除標準:(1)存在肩關節(jié)多方向不穩(wěn)定;(2)既往患側肩關節(jié)有手術史;(3)術后12個月CT顯示移位喙突不愈合或內固定失效,因而難以評估喙突骨吸收情況。


入選患者在術前均提供了包括初次脫位年齡以及脫位次數(shù)等信息在內的詳細病史。檢查者對患者進行詳細的肩關節(jié)體格檢查,并填寫ASES評分(American shoulder & elbow surgeons′ score)、Constant-Murley評分以及Rowe評分表。術前需行患側肩關節(jié)三維CT檢查。在肩關節(jié)三維重建CT上,依照Sugaya所描述的方法,將肱骨頭影像去除后,使肩盂正對檢查者,形成所謂enface view。在enface view上評估肩盂骨缺損的大小,如超過完整肩盂的25%,則選擇進行切開Latarjet術。


全部病例均在全身麻醉下接受手術?;颊咧糜谏碁┮挝?,患側肩關節(jié)置于手術臺邊緣之外且消毒鋪單后患側上肢仍能向各個方向自由運動。手術切口從喙突尖開始直行向下,長約5 cm。切開后由三角肌-胸大肌間隙進入。注意保護頭靜脈完整并將其拉向外側。在喙突上置入一把Hohmann骨撬以充分顯露喙突。

1.喙突準備:使肩關節(jié)處于外展、外旋位,顯露喙肩韌帶。在喙突側保留約1 cm長喙肩韌帶止點后切斷喙肩韌帶。切斷喙肩韌帶喙突側止點深方的喙肱韌帶止點。使肩關節(jié)處于內收、內旋位以顯露喙突內側。將喙突內側的胸小肌止點切斷。但避免沿聯(lián)合腱內側向下松解,以防損傷肌皮神經(jīng)并影響喙突的血供。通過上述準備,應可充分顯露喙突的內側、外側及下面。在喙突的弓背轉彎、緊貼喙鎖韌帶止點處,用彎骨刀自上向下截斷喙突。以微型擺鋸將截斷的喙突的下表面處理平整并去除骨皮質以顯露深方松質骨床。垂直于喙突上表面骨皮質,使用2.7 mm電鉆,在喙突上鉆兩個骨孔。兩骨孔間應留有足夠間隙。將喙突骨塊塞在胸大肌深方后進行下一步操作。

2.顯露肩盂:將患肢置于體側外旋位,用自動拉鉤拉開三角肌-胸大肌間隙,充分顯露肩胛下肌。在肩胛下肌腱的中下1/3處水平劈開肩胛下肌腱。首先用組織剪在肩胛下肌的中下1/3處沿肌纖維方向水平劈開肩胛下肌。然后將組織剪沿垂直肌纖維方向打開,從而分開肌纖維。從組織剪分開處向內側在肩胛下肌和肩胛骨間塞入紗布,以使肩胛下肌和深方關節(jié)囊和肩胛骨間有足夠間隙以增加顯露。在劈開的肩胛下肌裂隙內側,肩胛骨體前面放置一把Batman骨撬,擋住內側軟組織及重要的血管神經(jīng)結構。緊貼肩盂在其下插入一把Hohmann骨撬,將下1/3肩胛下肌纖維擋向下方。在肩胛骨體前面盡可能靠上的位置鉆入1枚4 mm的Steinman針,并將其扳向上方從而將上2/3的肩胛下肌纖維擋向上方。這樣就可以將盂肱關節(jié)前方充分顯露了。在盂肱關節(jié)間隙處,縱行切開約2 cm長的前關節(jié)囊,將Fukuda撬插入肩盂和肱骨頭間,扳向外側從而將肱骨頭擋向外后方,充分顯露肩盂。

3.肩盂準備和喙突固定:在緊貼肩盂前緣的肩胛骨前面做骨床準備,其范圍為肩盂前緣大約5點鐘(右肩)位置(左肩則為7點鐘位置)開始向近端大約2 cm長的區(qū)域。切除這一區(qū)域內的盂唇及骨膜組織,以骨刀將表面骨皮質打掉露出滲血的松質骨床面。在大約5點鐘位置的肩胛骨前面以2.7 mm骨鉆鉆孔作為固定喙突的下方螺釘孔。該骨孔應距離肩盂關節(jié)面邊緣足夠的距離以使喙突骨塊固定后其外緣不至于高于肩盂關節(jié)面。鉆孔時鉆頭方向應平行肩盂關節(jié)面,直至鉆透肩胛骨后側骨皮質。

在喙突上預鉆的兩個骨塊中偏下方的一個內擰入1枚4.0 mm半螺紋空心釘,長度大約30 mm。將該螺釘擰入肩胛骨前面預鉆的骨孔,保證喙突長軸處于平行于肩盂關節(jié)面的位置的前提下,擰緊該螺釘。固定后,喙突骨塊的外緣應與肩盂關節(jié)面平齊,如果較關節(jié)面高度略低1~2 mm亦可以接受。用2.7 mm骨鉆通過喙突骨塊上預鉆的偏上方的骨孔在肩胛骨上鉆孔,直至鉆透肩胛骨的后側皮質。用測深尺測量后,擰入另一枚4.0 mm半螺紋空心釘。如其測量長度與下方已置入螺釘差距明顯,則可在擰緊上方螺釘后取出下方螺釘,再準確測量后擰入合適長度的螺釘。保持肩關節(jié)位于體側極度外旋位的前提下,將縱行切開的前關節(jié)囊與喙突上保留的喙肩韌帶起點縫合,以重建前關節(jié)囊的止點。傷口內留置引流管后逐層縫合。



圖1 喙突骨吸收0級,喙突骨塊無吸收,螺釘帽均深埋于喙突骨塊內 圖2 喙突骨吸收Ⅰ級,喙突骨塊稍有吸收,僅有螺釘?shù)尼斆辈糠致队卩雇还菈K外,螺釘桿部完全埋于喙突骨塊內 圖3 喙突骨吸收Ⅱ級,喙突骨塊明顯吸收,螺釘帽與部分螺釘桿裸露于喙突骨塊之外,但肩盂前方仍有喙突骨塊殘留 圖4 喙突骨吸收Ⅲ級,喙突骨塊完全吸收,肩盂前面無骨塊殘留,僅有完全暴露的螺釘桿部及螺釘尾帽














本研究采用SPSS 16.0軟件進行統(tǒng)計學分析。以ICCs系數(shù)(intraclass correlation coefficients)來評價檢查者之間評價一致性以及每位檢查者前后兩次檢查結果的可重復性。如ICCs系數(shù)>0.75,則認為評價方法的一致性優(yōu)秀;如ICCs系數(shù)在0.40~0.75則認為一致性中等;如ICCs系數(shù)<0.40則一致性差。

結 果





統(tǒng)計分析顯示,本分級系統(tǒng)的檢查者之間一致性(ICCs,95% confidence Interval,0.856)和檢查者個人前后可重復性(ICCs,95% confidence Interval,0.946)均十分出色。

討 論



首先,對術后喙突骨吸收的發(fā)生率,文獻報道的結果大不相同。Allain等對56例患者(58個肩關節(jié))進行了平均14.3年的隨訪,所有患者在隨訪時均拍攝了X光片,有15例患者進行了CT檢查[13]。作者報道10例肩關節(jié)出現(xiàn)移位喙突骨塊的部分吸收,占所有病例的17%。Di Giacomo 等對Latarjet手術后移位喙突骨塊吸收的現(xiàn)象做了詳盡的研究。他們對16例病例進行了兩次術后CT檢查[19]。第一次在術后3 d,另外一次在術后平均17.5個月隨訪時。他們發(fā)現(xiàn)所有的移位喙突骨塊均有不同程度的骨吸收。最嚴重的骨吸收發(fā)生在喙突的近端、內側、淺部。此處有平均93.4%的骨量被吸收。喙突整體骨量被平均吸收59.5%。但是許多其他的有關Latarjet手術后的隨訪研究均未提到喙突骨吸收的情況[14-16,20-21]。究其原因,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)所有沒有提到喙突骨吸收情況的隨訪研究,其術后影像學評估方法仍為普通X線片,均未采用CT檢查。由此可見,X線片不能準確的評估喙突骨吸收的情況,因此我們選擇CT檢查作為評估這一現(xiàn)象的研究方法。從我們的研究結果看,術后90.5%的患者存在不同程度的骨吸收,81%的患者存在Ⅰ級或Ⅱ級的骨吸收,9.5%的患者的喙突骨塊完全吸收。

其次,對于術后喙突骨吸收一旦發(fā)生對臨床療效可能造成的影響也有不同的意見。Allain等學者的隨訪研究顯示,移位喙突的骨吸收現(xiàn)象在術后平均14.3年隨訪時并未對患者的肩關節(jié)功能和穩(wěn)定性造成明顯的影響,但也認為由于隨訪中發(fā)現(xiàn)喙突骨吸收的病例較少,因此難以對臨床療效的影響作出明確的判斷[13]。Di Giacomo 等所報道的病例系列中,在術后短期隨訪時,明顯的喙突骨吸收并未對患者的肩關節(jié)穩(wěn)定性、關節(jié)活動度以及術后肩關節(jié)疼痛情況造成明顯影響[19]。但是另一方面,Cassagnaud等的研究則認為,嚴重的喙突骨吸收會使患者出現(xiàn)肩關節(jié)疼痛癥狀并影響其肩關節(jié)功能[22]。Lafosse等報道了62例病例行Latarjet手術后的隨訪結果,其中3例出現(xiàn)了明顯的移位喙突的骨吸收,導致螺釘尾帽明顯突出,最終需手術取出螺釘[23]。Lunn等報道了46例行Latarjet手術后復發(fā)脫位的病例,其中13例移位的喙突骨塊有明顯的吸收,作者分析這是導致出現(xiàn)肩關節(jié)復發(fā)脫位的重要的風險因素[24]。分析這些既往的文獻報道,我們認為喙突骨塊吸收的現(xiàn)象有可能導致患者術后出現(xiàn)復發(fā)脫位和關節(jié)疼痛等癥狀。之所以在文獻中有不同的意見,有可能與骨塊吸收的程度不同有關,只有那些嚴重的骨吸收才會使患者出現(xiàn)上述癥狀。這就使我們想到,單純描述是否出現(xiàn)術后喙突骨吸收并不足以闡明其對臨床療效的影響,有必要提出一種專用的分型系統(tǒng),從而不僅闡明是否出現(xiàn)骨吸收而且說明其吸收的程度。

檢索現(xiàn)有的文獻,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)目前尚無這樣的分型系統(tǒng)。Di Giacomo等對術后喙突骨吸收的現(xiàn)象應用CT檢查做了詳細的研究。他們將喙突骨塊依其部位分成8個部分,分別描述各個部分在術后吸收的情況。這一方法雖然可精確描述術后骨吸收的程度和位置,但過于復雜,難以在臨床上推廣應用。我們所提出的分型方法通過描述固定螺釘暴露的情況來決定骨吸收的程度,應用起來比較簡單,有很好的檢查者之間一致性和檢查者個人前后可重復性,由此可見其臨床應用的可靠性較高。

如仔細區(qū)分不同部位喙突骨吸收的情況我們可以看到,在大多數(shù)患者中,偏頭側喙突骨質吸收更為顯著,這一結果與Di Giacomo等既往的報道一致。我們推測這可能是由于該部分的喙突骨質與聯(lián)合腱距離較遠,更難以得到來自聯(lián)合腱及其周圍組織的血液供應滋養(yǎng)。




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Study on the consistency of CT classification system evaluating coracoid fragment absorption after Latarjet operation




Background In 1954,the method of coracoid osteotomy and transfer for the treatment of recurrent anterior shoulder instability was firstly described by French doctor Latarjet.Till today,Latarjet procedure is still one of the most commonly used procedures in dealing with anterior shoulder instability especially with significant bony defect at anterior glenoid rim.On the other hand,many studies are focused in this procedure and have found some complications that will influence outcome.Among the complications,the occurrence of coracoid absorption has been repeatedly reported.Due to the lack of unified research methods and classification system to standardize the occurrence rates of coracoid fragment absorption,it is difficult to further explore the causes of this phenomenon and the influence on clinical effect.The purpose of this study is to propose a CT scanning method and a classification system to evaluate the coracoid fragment absorption after Latarjet operation.We hope to adopt this method and the classification system for these patients to investigate the occurrence rates of different levels of coracoid fragment absorption,and evaluate its consistency by examining inter-observer and intra-observer reliability.Methods The inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study.The inclusion criteria of this study are as follows:(1)The patients are diagnosed as post traumatic recurrent anterior dislocation of shoulder;(2)Obvious bone defects of the glenoid are revealed in both preoperative three-dimensional CT and glenoid enface view;(3)The operative method is open Latarjet procedure;(4)The patients agree to participate in this clinical research and sign informed consents;(5)The postoperative clinical follow-up is over 2 years with complete imaging evaluation data (immediate CT examination after operation and CT scanning 1 year after surgery).The exclusion criteria of this study are as follows:(1)Multiple directional shoulder instability;(2)Previous operation history of the affected shoulder joint;(3)CT examination of 1 year after surgery reveals nonunion of coracoid fragment or failure of internal fixation,which is difficult to evaluate the absorption of coracoid fragment.The detailed medical history including the age of first time dislocation,numbers of dislocations,etc.was provided before surgery.The detailed physical examination of shoulder joint was conducted.ASES score (American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons′ score),Constant-Murley score and Rowe score were evaluated for each patient.Preoperative 3D CT examination of the shoulder joint was needed for the affected shoulder,and the so-called enface view was reconstructed with the humeral head removed and the glenoid faced to the observer with the method described by Sugaya.The assessment of bone defect size on the glenoid was performed in enface view,and the open Latarjet operation would be selected if the size is over 25%.Operation method:Patient position and surgical incision.After successful general anesthesia,the patient was in the beach chair position with the affected shoulder placed out of the operating table border and mobilized freely in all directions.The incision was made downward from the coracoid tip and the coracoid was exposed through the deltoid and pectoralis major muscle interval.Coracoid process preparation:The shoulder was in abduction and external rotation to expose the coracoacromial ligament.The coracohumeral ligament,pectoralis minor and coracoacromial ligament were released from coracoid.The coracoid was osteotomized just anterior to coraco-clavicle ligament.Two holes were drilled on the coracoid with enough space between them and the coracoid was put deep behind the pectoralis major muscle for further operation.Exposure of the glenoid:The affected limb was in external rotation and the glenoid was fully exposed with the subscapularis tendon split and the anterior joint capsule opened vertically.Preparations of glenoid and fixation of coracoid:The bone bed of anterior glenoid rim and neck was prepared.One hole was drilled at 5 o′clock in front of scapula for fixation through the lower hole on the coracoid with a 4.0 mm half thread canulated screw.The fragment should not protrude over glenoid surface.The other hole on the scapula was drilled through the upper pre-drilled hole on the coracoid fragment and a 4.0mm half thread canulated screw was inserted.The coracoacromial ligament attached to coracoid fragment was sutured with anterior capsule with shoulder in extreme external rotation.The wound was closed in layers.Rehabilitation programme:The shoulder was immobilized with a sling for 3 weeks after operation.Passive exercises of the affected limb were carried out under the guidance of a physical therapist.Sling was removed 6 weeks later and the shoulder was allowed to take regular activities,but the resistant exercises of elbow flexion should be avoided within 6 weeks.Three months after operation,terminal stretch exercise was initiated.Contact sports or sports with hand above the head were resumed half a year after operation.Postoperative follow-up plan:Follow-ups were conducted in 3 weeks,6 weeks,3 months,6 months,and 1 year after operation.After that,the follow-ups were conducted 1 time a year which mainly composed of the assessment of functional rehabilitation and the guidance of exercises by clinicians.Detailed physical examination was carried out 1 year after operation,and the 3D CT examination was underwent with the consent of the patient to detect the position and healing of the fragment in front of the glenoid.Radiological evaluation methods:Preoperative 3D CT examination for the affected shoulder was carried out to assess the severity of glenoid bone defect.Immediate postoperative 3D CT examination for the affected shoulder was conducted to assess the position of coracoid fragment and its fixation.Postoperative 3D CT examination was conducted after one year of follow-up to assess the healing and absorption of coracoid fragment in the cross section.The classification of postoperative coracoid fragment absorption:Level 0:No coracoid fragment absorption and the screw heads are buried deep in the coracoid; Level Ⅰ:Slight coracoid fragment absorption.Only the screw heads are exposed out of the coracoid,and the screw shanks are totally buried in the coracoid; Level Ⅱ:Obvious coracoid fragment absorption,and the screw heads and part of screw shanks are exposed out of the coracoid,but there are still remaining coracoid fragment in front of the glenoid; Level Ⅲ:Total coracoid fragment absorption,no remaining fragment in front of the glenoid,the screws are fully exposed; The grading standards of this system are based on the screw exposure after coracoid bone absorption.While grading,the observer is required to respectively assess the exposure of the two screws and record each of the coracoid fragment absorption.The final classification of coracoid fragment absorption is determined by the screw exposure of more obvious.Observer and research method of reliability:Four independent observers,who completed the training of orthopedics and shoulder surgery,were involved in the research on reliability of the grading system.Instructions were distributed to familiarize them with the application method of this grading system.The final grade was determined by the senior doctor.Statistics method:The SPSS 16.0 software is adopted for statistical analysis in this study.The ICCs (intraclass correlation coefficients) is aimed at assessing the consistency between observers and the repeatability of two examination results from one individual observer.If the ICCs is greater than 0.75,the consistency of evaluation method is considered excellent; If the ICCs is between 0.40 and 0.75,the consistency is considered normal; If the ICCs is less than 0.4,the consistency is considered poor.Results From January 2009 to January 2012,a total of 81 patients with recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation

open Latarjet operation.Among them,65 patients underwent preoperative CT,immediate CT after operation and postoperative CT one year later.Of the 65 patients,1 patient was considered nonunion of the coracoid fragment in postoperative CT scan 1 year after surgery.Another patient was excluded due to the internal fixation failure.The remaining 63 patients were selected for this study.Coracoid bone absorption:The postoperative CT of one year after surgery revealed higher incidence of coracoid bone absorption,and the grading of 63 patients with bone absorption are as follows.Level 0∶6 patients (9.5%); Level 1∶26 patients (41.3%); Level 2∶25 patients (39.7%); Level 3∶6 patients (9.5%).Thus,1 year after surgery,the rate of coracoid bone absorption was 90.5% (57/63).Carefully distinguishing bone absorption around two canulated screws,we found that among the 63 cases,34 cases had the same grades of bone absorption around the two screws; and in another 29 cases,the absorption degree around the proximal screw was more serious than that around the distal screw.The reliability of the grading system:Statistical analysis indicated that in this grading system the consistency between observers (ICC,95% confidence Interval,0.856) and the repeatability of two results in individual observer (ICC,95% confidence Interval,0.946) were both very good.Conclusion One year after open Latarjet operation,the coracoid fragment absorption is of high incidence.The classification system we proposed has excellent inter-observer and intra-observer reliability.

Recurrent anterior shoulder dislocation;Latarjet operation;Bone absorption







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