邢海峰, 石曉華, 楊海鷹, 樊明壽
(1內(nèi)蒙古農(nóng)業(yè)大學生態(tài)環(huán)境學院,呼和浩特 010019; 2內(nèi)蒙古農(nóng)業(yè)大學農(nóng)學院,呼和浩特 010019;3內(nèi)蒙古自治區(qū)馬鈴薯繁育中心,呼和浩特 010031)
邢海峰1, 石曉華2, 3, 楊海鷹3, 樊明壽2*
(1內(nèi)蒙古農(nóng)業(yè)大學生態(tài)環(huán)境學院,呼和浩特 010019; 2內(nèi)蒙古農(nóng)業(yè)大學農(nóng)學院,呼和浩特 010019;3內(nèi)蒙古自治區(qū)馬鈴薯繁育中心,呼和浩特 010031)
滴灌條件; 馬鈴薯; 高產(chǎn)群體; 磷素吸收; 磷素利用率
馬鈴薯是內(nèi)蒙古的優(yōu)勢作物,2011年種植面積全國第一[4],其對內(nèi)蒙古糧食總產(chǎn)的貢獻率達10%左右。馬鈴薯是典型的淺根系作物,磷素吸收能力較弱,因此如何提高馬鈴薯磷肥利用率已成為馬鈴薯生產(chǎn)中亟待解決的關(guān)鍵問題之一[5-6]。目前,與滴灌技術(shù)相配套的水溶肥在生產(chǎn)中開始應用,使馬鈴薯生育期間對磷素的調(diào)控成為可能。在近年來的馬鈴薯高產(chǎn)田創(chuàng)建中,內(nèi)蒙古陰山北麓地區(qū)(馬鈴薯主產(chǎn)區(qū))不少地塊產(chǎn)量達45000 kg/hm2以上,因此研究高產(chǎn)馬鈴薯群體的磷素營養(yǎng)規(guī)律, 是建立滴灌條件下高產(chǎn)高效的馬鈴薯磷肥管理技術(shù)體系的重要基礎。
1.1 試驗材料
田間試驗于2012年和2013年在內(nèi)蒙古察右中旗德勝鄉(xiāng)(41°30′N、 112°64′E,海拔1780 m)進行。該區(qū)域?qū)僦袦貛Т箨懶约撅L氣候,無霜期100天左右。供試品種均為克新1號原種。兩年試驗分別在不同地塊進行,供試土壤均為栗鈣土,土壤肥力狀況及當年生育期降水量見表1。
表1 試驗田基礎土壤肥力及生育期降雨量Table 1 Soil fertility and rainfall during the growing period of potato in the test area
注(Note): 土壤取樣深度為60 cm Soil sampling depth is 60 cm.
1.2 試驗設計
氮肥為尿素,磷肥作基肥施用的品種為過磷酸鈣,做追肥施用的品種為古米磷(12-61-0),鉀肥為硝酸鉀。每個模式重復3次,小區(qū)面積72 m2。2012年于5月13日播種, 9月11日收獲。2013年5月10日播種, 9月13日收獲。
1.3 樣品采集與測定
植株干重的測定 將整株帶回實驗室,用蒸餾水沖洗,晾去水分,按葉片、地上莖、地下莖(包括匍匐莖和根系)、塊莖將各器官分開,分別稱鮮重。然后取小樣于烘箱中,在105℃下殺青30 min后在80℃條件下烘干至恒重,稱干重。烘干樣品按器官粉碎過0.25 mm篩。
植株含磷量的測定 植株全磷采用濃H2SO4-H2O2消煮—釩鉬黃比色法進行測定[7]。
1.4 數(shù)據(jù)分析
磷肥吸收利用率 (%) = (施磷區(qū)植株吸磷量-空白區(qū)植株吸磷量)/施磷量×100;
1000 kg塊莖需磷量(kg)=植株磷素積累量/塊莖產(chǎn)量×1000;
試驗數(shù)據(jù)采用SPSS 19.0和Excel軟件進行統(tǒng)計分析,采用LSR法進行多重比較。
2.1 不同栽培模式馬鈴薯產(chǎn)量及其構(gòu)成因子特點
不同模式下馬鈴薯產(chǎn)量差異顯著。2012年高產(chǎn)模式馬鈴薯產(chǎn)量45060 kg/hm2,較農(nóng)戶模式提高12%; 2013年高產(chǎn)模式馬鈴薯產(chǎn)量達50599 kg/hm2,較農(nóng)戶模式提高了16%(表2)。
表2 馬鈴薯產(chǎn)量及其構(gòu)成因子特點Table 2 Characteristics of potato yield and its components
注(Note): 同列數(shù)據(jù)后不同字母表示處理間差異達5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in a column are significant among treatments at the 5% level.
2.2 不同栽培模式下馬鈴薯群體的磷素吸收、分配特點
表3 馬鈴薯各生育階段群體磷素的日積累量[kg/(hm2·d)]Table 3 Daily rates of phosphorus accumulation population at different stages of potato
注(Note): 同列數(shù)據(jù)后不同字母表示處理間差異達5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in a column are significant among treatment at the 5% level.
圖1 馬鈴薯各生育階段群體磷素累積量Fig.1 Phosphorus accumulation of potato population at different stages[注(Note):柱上不同字母表示處理間差異達5% Different letters above the bars mean significant among treatment at the 5% level.]
表4 在地上部/地下部馬鈴薯各生育階段磷素的分配比例(%)Table 4 Phosphorus distribution in abovegrand/underground of potato
2.3 不同栽培模式下馬鈴薯群體磷肥的利用率
圖2 馬鈴薯的磷肥利用率Fig.2 Phosphorus use efficiency of potato[注(Note):柱上不同字母表示處理間差異達5% Different letters above the bars mean significant among treatments at the 5% level.]
張靜等[8]曾報道,適量的磷肥可以增加馬鈴薯單株的結(jié)薯數(shù),但卻不利于單薯重的提高,而胡助力等[9]、李章田等[10]的研究結(jié)果表明,磷肥可促進馬鈴薯大、中薯率的提高。本研究高產(chǎn)模式下馬鈴薯單株結(jié)薯數(shù)和商品率均高于對照和農(nóng)戶模式(表2),意味著單株結(jié)薯數(shù)量和單薯重量是可以協(xié)同提高的, 并且可以通過磷肥調(diào)控來實現(xiàn)。 雖然高產(chǎn)模式的施磷量為P2O5180 kg/hm2低于農(nóng)戶模式(P2O5240 kg/hm2),但高產(chǎn)模式下整個生育期內(nèi)磷素的吸收量始終高于農(nóng)戶模式(圖1),這是由于高產(chǎn)模式的磷肥是隨滴灌分期供應的,而農(nóng)戶模式的磷肥全部基施。因此,針對內(nèi)蒙古馬鈴薯主產(chǎn)區(qū)的石灰性土壤,在滴灌條件下磷肥隨水分次滴施,應作為馬鈴薯養(yǎng)分管理的重要措施。
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Increase effect of phosphorus absorption of potato population and utilization effeciency by multiple application of phosphate fertilizer with drip irrigation
XING Hai-feng1, SHI Xiao-hua2, 3, YANG Hai-ying3, FAN Ming-shou2*
【Objectives】 In recent years, potato yield have being increased to over 45000 kg/hm2in the northern Yinshan Mountain of Inner Mongolia. However, phosphorus nutrition characteristics of high yield potato population are seldom studied, the phosphorus use efficiency is R in a low level. The optimize phosphorus management is in urgent need for high-yield potato production, and improves phosphorus use efficiency.【Methods】A field experiment were conducted with Kexin 1 as materials. The farmer cultivation mode and high-yield mode were compared for two years, and the phosphorus absorption, allocation and utilization of potato population with high yield under the drip irrigation condition were studied.【Results】Compared with the farmer mode, the commercial rate and tuber numbers per plant of the high-yield mode are significantly increased by 2.3% and 9.3%. The daily phosphorus accumulation amounts of the high-yield mode population is 0.67-0.78 kg/hm2from the tuber initiation stage to the tuber bulking stage, which is 37% higher than the farmer mode. The phosphorus accumulation amount is 44.3-55.3 kg/hm2for the high-yield mode during the whole growth period, which is about 10.0-12.1 kg/hm2higher than the farmer mode, and the translocation rate of phosphorus for the high-yield mode is 85%-87% higher than the farmer mode. The P2O5requirement to producing 1000 kg potato tuber under the high-yield mode is 1.95-2.10 kg, and the phosphorus use efficiency of potato is 21.6%-23.6%. 【Conclusions】 With less input amount, phosphate fertilizer is divided into 6 parts, and applied with drip irrigation in the high-yield potato management. The results proved the sustanable P supply ability to potato, especally from the tuber initiation stage to the tuber bulking stage, the accumulated phosphorus is at a rapid rate to ensuring high absorption efficiency and phosphorus use efficiency under the reduction of phosphorus fertilizer.
drip irrigation condition; potato; high-yield population; phosphorus absorption; phosphorus use efficiency
2014-12-19 接受日期: 2015-04-26 網(wǎng)絡出版日期: 2015-06-02
邢海峰(1978—),女,內(nèi)蒙古錫林浩特人,講師,博士研究生,主要從事植物營養(yǎng)與肥料教學及研究。 E-mail:nmgxinghaifeng@126.com。 *通信作者 E-mail: fmswh@126.com
S632.601; S275.6