侯云鵬, 韓立國, 孔麗麗, 尹彩俠, 秦裕波, 李 前, 謝佳貴*
(1農(nóng)業(yè)部東北植物營養(yǎng)與農(nóng)業(yè)環(huán)境重點實驗室,吉林省農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院農(nóng)業(yè)資源與環(huán)境研究所,長春 130033;2吉林省前郭縣紅光國營農(nóng)場,吉林松原 138100)
侯云鵬1, 韓立國2, 孔麗麗1, 尹彩俠1, 秦裕波1, 李 前1, 謝佳貴1*
(1農(nóng)業(yè)部東北植物營養(yǎng)與農(nóng)業(yè)環(huán)境重點實驗室,吉林省農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)院農(nóng)業(yè)資源與環(huán)境研究所,長春 130033;2吉林省前郭縣紅光國營農(nóng)場,吉林松原 138100)
氮水平; 產(chǎn)量; 養(yǎng)分吸收; 養(yǎng)分轉(zhuǎn)運; 氮素平衡
1.1 試驗區(qū)概況
試驗于2012年和2013年在吉林省松原市前郭縣紅光農(nóng)場(123°08′32 E″、44°38′16″ N)進(jìn)行,該地區(qū)位于吉林省中西部,屬中溫帶大陸性季風(fēng)氣候區(qū),四季分明,據(jù)當(dāng)?shù)貧庀缶仲Y料,2012年前郭縣水稻生長季內(nèi)≥10℃積溫為3018℃,降雨量為422.5 mm,2013年前郭縣水稻生長季內(nèi)≥10℃積溫為2981℃,降雨量為438 mm。0—20 cm層土壤基本養(yǎng)分狀況見表1。
表1 供試土壤基本養(yǎng)分狀況Table 1 The basic nutrient characteristics of the tested soils
1.2 試驗設(shè)計
試驗共設(shè)5個處理,氮肥用量分別設(shè)為N 0、60、120、180和240 kg/hm2,依次以N0、N60、N120、N180、N240表示。按基肥 ∶分蘗肥 ∶孕穗肥=30% ∶40% ∶30%施用,基肥于移栽前3 d施入,分蘗肥于移栽后20 d施入;孕穗肥于移栽后70 d施入。各處理均基施P2O5100 kg/hm2和K2O 120 kg/hm2。試驗用氮肥為尿素(N 46%),磷肥為重過磷酸鈣 (P2O546%),鉀肥為氯化鉀 (K2O 60%)。2012年供試水稻品種為富優(yōu)135,2013年供試水稻品種為吉粳511。5月21日移栽,大田栽插密度為20萬穴/hm2,9月30日收獲。小區(qū)面積為30 m2,隨機區(qū)組排列, 3次重復(fù),兩邊設(shè)有保護(hù)行。每小區(qū)間筑埂(寬30 cm)并用塑料薄膜包裹,以減少各小區(qū)間的相互影響,其他田間管理按生產(chǎn)田進(jìn)行。
1.3 樣品采集與測定
分別于水稻移栽前和收獲后采取0—100 cm土壤樣品,每20 cm為一層(共5層),用環(huán)刀法測定該層土壤容重。每小區(qū)隨機取5點,土壤樣品混勻后,立即置于-20℃冷凍保存。土壤樣品解凍后,將樣品混勻過2 mm篩,稱取5 g土壤樣品,加入100 mL 0.01 mol/L CaCl2溶液浸提,震蕩50 min后過濾,浸提液用丹麥Foss(FIA STAR 5000)流動注射分析儀測定銨態(tài)氮、硝態(tài)氮含量,并根據(jù)各層土壤容重將銨態(tài)氮和硝態(tài)氮含量換算成0—100 cm土體無機氮積累量。同時采用烘干法測定土壤含水量。
分別于水稻返青期、分蘗期、抽穗期、灌漿期和成熟期(移栽后8、20、70、90和126 d)采集植株樣本,每小區(qū)采取有代表性水稻5穴(返青期取30穴),剪去根部,分為葉片、莖鞘和穗部三部分,于105℃殺青30 min后,75℃烘干至恒重,稱重并計算地上部干物重。樣品粉碎過0.5 mm篩,分別測定氮、磷、鉀養(yǎng)分含量。分析均采取H2SO4-H2O2法消煮,采用凱氏定氮法測定氮素含量,釩鉬黃比色法測定磷素含量,火焰光度法測定鉀素含量;成熟期各小區(qū)單收,按實收株數(shù)計產(chǎn)。
1.4 計算公式及統(tǒng)計方法[8-14]
氮收獲指數(shù)(N harvest index,%) =成熟期籽粒氮吸收量/植株氮總吸收量×100;
氮肥當(dāng)季回收率(N recovery efficiency,%)= (收獲期施氮區(qū)地上部總吸氮量-收獲期不施氮區(qū)地上部總吸氮量)/氮肥施用量×100;
氮肥農(nóng)學(xué)效率(N agronomy efficiency, kg/kg)= (施氮區(qū)水稻產(chǎn)量-不施氮區(qū)水稻產(chǎn)量)/氮肥施用量;
氮肥偏生產(chǎn)力(N partial factor productivity, kg/kg)=施氮區(qū)產(chǎn)量/氮肥施用量;
轉(zhuǎn)運量(Translocation,kg/hm2) = 抽穗期莖鞘、葉片氮(磷、鉀)吸收量-成熟時莖鞘、葉片氮(磷、鉀)滯留量;
轉(zhuǎn)運率(Transportation efficiency,%)=單位面積植株成熟期葉、莖鞘元素氮(磷、鉀)的表觀輸出量/抽穗期葉、莖鞘該元素總吸收量×100;
轉(zhuǎn)運貢獻(xiàn)率(Translocation conversion rate of vegetative organ,%) =氮(磷、鉀)轉(zhuǎn)運量/抽穗至成熟期穗部氮(磷、鉀)素吸收總量×100;
最佳施氮范圍(The range of optimal N application)為理論產(chǎn)量的95%及以上時的施氮范圍。
試驗數(shù)據(jù)用Microsoft Excel 2013和SAS 9.0統(tǒng)計軟件處理。
2.1 不同施氮水平對水稻產(chǎn)量及其構(gòu)成因子的影響
表2 不同處理對水稻產(chǎn)量及其構(gòu)成因子的影響Table 2 Effect of different treatments on grain yield and its components of rice
注(Note): 同列數(shù)值后不同字母表示處理間差異達(dá)5%顯著水平 Valeus followed by different letters in a column are significantly different among treatments at the 5% level; 2012、2013年氮肥價格分別為5.00和4.76 yuan/kg,水稻價格為3.30 和3.15 yuan/kg, N fertilizer price was 5.00 and 4.76 yuan/kg,rice price was 3.30 and 3.15 yuan/kg in 2012 and 2013.
表3 水稻最高產(chǎn)量和最佳經(jīng)濟(jì)產(chǎn)量氮肥用量及其范圍 (kg/hm2)Table 3 Nitrogen rates and range for the maximum and optimum yields of rice
2.2 不同施氮水平對水稻養(yǎng)分吸收動態(tài)的影響
表4 不同處理水稻各生育時期氮、磷、鉀吸收總量 (kg/hm2)Table 4 The total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accumulation under different treatments of rice
注(Note): 數(shù)據(jù)為2012年和2013年平均值The data was the average of 2012 and 2013; 同列數(shù)值后不同字母表示處理間差異達(dá)5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in a column are significantly different among treatments at the 5% level.
2.3 不同施氮水平對氮、磷、鉀養(yǎng)分轉(zhuǎn)運及分配的影響
表5 不同處理抽穗至成熟期葉片及莖鞘氮、磷、鉀的轉(zhuǎn)運Table 5 N, P and K exportation from leaves and stem-sheaths to ears at the heading to maturity under different treatments
注(Note): 數(shù)據(jù)為2012年和2013年平均值The data was the average of 2012 and 2013; 同列數(shù)值后不同字母表示處理間差異達(dá)5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in a column are significantly different among treatments at the 5% level.
2.3.2 水稻不同器官氮、磷、鉀的分配 由圖1可知,不同氮水平處理下成熟期各器官氮、磷素分配量為穗>莖鞘>葉,而鉀素的分配不同于氮、磷, 表現(xiàn)為莖鞘>穗>葉。施氮處理成熟期各器官的氮、磷、鉀素分配量均顯著的高于不施氮肥(N0)處理(P<0.05)。在不同施氮處理中,各器官氮、磷、鉀分配量均隨施氮水平的提高而增加,其中籽粒中氮、磷、鉀積累量呈現(xiàn)先增后降的趨勢,以N180處理最高,而莖鞘和葉片與籽粒表現(xiàn)不同,以N240處理最高。說明氮肥用量對成熟期氮、磷、鉀養(yǎng)分向營養(yǎng)器官和生殖器官的分配量有調(diào)控效應(yīng),適宜的氮肥用量有利于籽粒中養(yǎng)分的積累,使籽粒養(yǎng)分比例明顯提高,進(jìn)而提高籽粒產(chǎn)量。而氮肥過量供應(yīng)使水稻莖鞘和葉片中的養(yǎng)分過多地滯留于營養(yǎng)器官中,不利于籽粒中養(yǎng)分的積累。
圖1 水稻成熟期植株各器官氮、磷、鉀養(yǎng)分分配Fig.1 Distribution of N, P and K in different organs of rice at maturity[注(Note): 數(shù)據(jù)為2012年和2013年平均值The data was the average of 2012 and 2013; 方柱上不同字母表示處理間差異達(dá)5%顯著水平Different letters means significant differences among treatments at the 5% level.]
2.4 不同施氮水平對水稻氮肥利用效率的影響
表6 不同施氮水平對水稻氮肥利用率的影響Table 6 Effects of different nitrogen levels on nitrogen utilization efficiency of rice
注(Note): NHI—氮收獲指數(shù)N harvest index; NAE—氮肥農(nóng)學(xué)利用率Agronomic efficiency; NRE—氮肥當(dāng)季回收率Recovery efficiency; NPFP—氮肥偏生產(chǎn)力Partial factor productivity; 數(shù)據(jù)為2012年和2013年平均值The data was the average of 2012 and 2013; 同列數(shù)值后不同字母表示處理間差異達(dá)5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in a column are significantly different among treatments at the 5% level.
2.5 不同施氮水平對土壤氮素平衡的影響
表7 不同施氮水平下土壤氮素平衡Table 7 Nitrogen balance in soil under different nitrogen rates
注(Note): Nmin—Mineral N; 數(shù)據(jù)為2012年和2013年平均值The data was the average of2012 and 2013; 同列數(shù)值后不同字母表示處理間差異達(dá)5%顯著水平 Values followed by different letters in a column are significantly different among treatments at the 5% level.
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Nutrient absorption, translocation in rice and soil nitrogen equilibrium under different nitrogen application doses
HOU Yun-peng1, HAN Li-guo2, KONG Li-li1, YIN Cai-xia1, QIN Yu-bo1, LI Qian1, XIE Jia-gui1*
(1KeyLaboratoryofPlantNutritionandAgro-EnvironmentinNortheastRegion,MinistryofAgriculture,/AgriculturalResourcesandEnvironmentResearchInstitute,JilinAcademyofAgriculturalSciences,Changchun130033,China; 2HongguangStateFarm,QianguoCounty,Songyuan,Jilin138100,China)
【Objectives】A systematic analysis on the rice yield, component factors, nutrient absorption, translocation, nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen balance in soil under different nitrogen levels was performed to provide theoretical basis for rational amount of applied nitrogen in rice field in northeast China, and the interactions relationship between nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soil as well as relationships between nutrient and yield were discussed.【Methods】 The field experiment was carried out by using local major rice varieties (Fuyou 135 and Jijing 511) at Hongguang State Farm of Qianguo County in Songyuan City of Jilin province from 2012 to 2013, and the experiment includes five treatments with different nitrogen levels (0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 kg/hm2). As plant samples, stem-sheath, leaf and grain parts at returning green stage, mid-tillering stage, heading stage, filling stage and maturity stage were collected to measure the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, respectively. Based on these data, the nutrient absorption, translocation, nitrogen use characteristics parameters, and the relationships between nutrient absorption, translocation and yields of the plant at the main growth stages of rice were calculated or evaluated. The soil samples from 0-100 cm soil depth (each layer 20 cm) were respectively collected before transplanting and after harvest of rice to measure the contents of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen. Depending on the soil bulk density of each layer, the amount of inorganic nitrogen accumulation in 0-100 cm soil layer was calculated to profile soil nitrogen balance.【Results】 Data showed that when the amounts of applied N were ranged from 60 kg/hm2to 180 kg/hm2, the rice yield increased with increasing amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, and decreased when the amount of applied N was over N 180 kg/hm2. Based on the prices factors of rice and fertilizers in the past years, N rates for obtaining maximum yield were 212.8 kg/hm2and 220.6 kg/hm2respectively, and the range of nitrogen application was ranged from 202.2 kg/hm2to 231.6 kg/hm2. N rates for getting the optimum yield were 203.0 kg/hm2and 209.1 kg/hm2, and the range of nitrogen application was determine to be between 192.9 kg/hm2and 219.6 kg/hm2by simulating between rice yield (y) and nitrogen fertilizer application (x), respectively. Nitrogen fertilizer application could significantly improve the accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at main growing stages, and increased the translocation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to grains at heading stage. The accumulation amount of nutrients at heading stage is proportional to the amount of translocation to grain under N 180 kg/hm2. Nitrogen fertilizer rates over 180 kg/hm2had negative effects on the translocation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to grain. Nitrogen agronomic efficiency and partial factor productivity were significantly decreased because of increasing nitrogen fertilizer application. The highest nitrogen recovery efficiency in current season was in the treatment of N 180 kg/hm2. Correlation analysis showed that the yield had significantly or extremely significantly positive correlations with absorption and translocation of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at the main growth periods of rice, and the highest correlation coefficient was exhibited at the filling stage. Nitrogen fertilizer application could significantly improve residual Nmin at 0-100 cm soil after harvesting, and increase in nitrogen fertilizer application apparently enhanced the losses of N.【Conclusions】Optimum nitrogen fertilizer application could significantly improve rice yield, the total nutrient accumulation at different growing stages, the translocation amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from straw to grain during the late growth period of rice, and apparently reduce losses of soil N. Comprehensively, considering on the rice yield, benefit, nitrogen recovery efficiency in season and nitrogen balance in soil, the optimum nitrogen application rate was determined to be ranged from 192.9 kg/hm2to 219.6 kg/hm2in this experiment.
nitrogen level; yield; nutrient absorption; nutrient translocation; nitrogen balance
2014-04-11 接受日期: 2014-09-12 網(wǎng)絡(luò)出版日期: 2015-04-07
國家科技支撐計劃(2012BAD04B02); 中國-國際植物營養(yǎng)研究所(IPNI)合作項目(BFDP-Jilin-2013)資助。
侯云鵬(1982—),男, 吉林公主嶺人,助理研究員,主要從事植物營養(yǎng)研究。E-mail: exceedfhvfha@163.com * 通信作者 Tel: 0431-87063167, E-mail: xiejiagui@163.com
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