劉暢 丁紅珂 吳菁 麥明琴 張彥 曾玉坤 劉玲 劉舒 尹愛華
(廣東省婦幼保健院,廣東 廣州 511442)
劉暢 丁紅珂 吳菁 麥明琴 張彥 曾玉坤 劉玲 劉舒 尹愛華*
(廣東省婦幼保健院,廣東 廣州 511442)
目的 耳聾是臨床上常見的出生缺陷之一,大多數(shù)耳聾患兒家長對于耳聾的遺傳檢測及產(chǎn)前診斷持積極態(tài)度。方法 對117例非綜合征型感音神經(jīng)性耳聾患兒家庭進行耳聾基因檢測,輔以恰當(dāng)?shù)倪z傳咨詢,并為有再生育需求的家庭提供產(chǎn)前基因診斷。結(jié)果 通過基因檢測為57例患兒找到明確致聾基因突變,并將致聾位點及遺傳模式在每個患兒家庭中進行分析驗證。接受詳細(xì)的遺傳咨詢后,53對攜帶常染色體隱性遺傳致聾突變的夫婦選擇產(chǎn)前基因診斷。出生后聽力評估結(jié)果與產(chǎn)前診斷結(jié)果相符。結(jié)論 本臨床研究中,94.6%攜帶常染色體隱性遺傳致聾基因突變的夫婦選擇接受產(chǎn)前基因診斷,提示絕大多數(shù)耳聾患兒的家長對于耳聾的遺傳檢測及產(chǎn)前診斷持積極態(tài)度,認(rèn)為產(chǎn)前基因檢測有助于家長從心理、經(jīng)濟、醫(yī)療等角度提前做好準(zhǔn)備。
1.1 基本資料 本臨床研究將117個曾生育非綜合征型感音神經(jīng)性耳聾患兒的家庭納入研究范圍,入組家庭均為在廣東省婦幼保健院醫(yī)學(xué)遺傳中心門診尋求耳聾基因診斷和遺傳咨詢的耳聾患兒家庭。研究方法和研究對象入組標(biāo)準(zhǔn)經(jīng)廣東省婦幼保健院倫理委員會審核通過。在受檢者(監(jiān)護人)充分知情同意情況下,簽署知情同意書。臨床上對入組家庭進行病史收集及體格檢查,包括詳細(xì)的過往病史、耳聾家族史、聽力學(xué)檢查情況、發(fā)病年齡及誘因、感染史、氨基糖苷類藥物接觸史等。
1.2 研究方法 采集耳聾患兒及其父母的外周血,提取基因組DNA。通過晶芯TM9項遺傳性耳聾基因檢測試劑盒進行突變熱點的初篩,對于檢出單等位基因致聾突變的患兒,進行相應(yīng)基因及可能相互作用復(fù)合致聾的相關(guān)基因的序列分析;對于初篩未檢出致聾突變的患兒,進行GJB2基因、SLC26A4基因、線粒體12SrRNA等耳聾基因的編碼區(qū)序列測定及分析。對患兒父母進行相應(yīng)致聾基因序列分析,以驗證致聾基因突變并進行遺傳分析。
表1 曾生育耳聾患兒且已明確夫婦均攜帶常染色體隱性遺傳致聾基因突變的家庭行產(chǎn)前診斷的結(jié)果
此外,一位耳聾患兒經(jīng)檢測發(fā)現(xiàn)攜帶線粒體DNA 12S rRNA 1555A>G同質(zhì)性突變。該患兒自一歲半因肺炎接受常規(guī)劑量慶大霉素治療后出現(xiàn)重度感音神經(jīng)性耳聾。鑒于線粒體DNA 12S rRNA 1555A>G突變是氨基糖苷類藥物遺傳易感性的重要機制[19]且遵循母系遺傳模式,我們?yōu)樵摶純旱哪赶涤H屬提供了詳細(xì)的用藥指導(dǎo)。
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Objective Genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis are very necessary to detect hereditary hearing loss, especially in high-risk families. Prenatal diagnosis gives parents the chance to prepare psychologically, financially and medically for the probable health and educational needs of the affected neonates. Method 117 unrelated families with children affected with non-syndromic sensorineural hearing loss were enrolled in the study and received genetic analysis with microarray and DNA sequencing technologies. Genetic counseling was provided to each participating families, and prenatal diagnosis was given to those at risk and would like to know their fetuses' genotypes and probable hearing statuses. Results 57 cases in the present study were diagnosed with confirmed pathogenic mutations and clear inheritance patterns. After receiving genetic counseling, 53 carrier couples with pathogenic mutations chose to proceed prenatal diagnosis, the results of which were in accordance with the pregnancy outcomes. Infants prenatally detected to be monoallelic mutation carriers and those harbored neither deafness-causing mutations form their parents passed newborn hearing screening and six month follow-ups, while neonates prenatally detected to be carriers of diallelic or compound heterozygous mutations developed hearing loss after birth. Conclusions With appropriate genetic counseling and support services provided, the genetic testing and the prenatal diagnosis of hearing loss were valued by carrier couples for the information provided for future family planning and probably the preparation for the health and educational needs of the affected neonates.
hearing loss; genetic counseling; prenatal diagnosis