YANG JiangHe ,NIE JianJunYANG RuShu
(1.Department of Physics and Electronics Science,Hunan University of Arts and Science,Changde 415000,China;2.Center for Astrophysics,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510405,China)
The integral photons flux of celestial body emission is measured[1—7],while the emission flux density and luminosity etc.are usually adopted in a lot of investigations[8—20].Therefore,transforms the integral photons flux into other quantitative model is important to research γ-ray emissions.The conversion method will be presented in this paper.The units as cm,s,Hz,Mpc,erg,Jy and GeV are adopted,and some constants are adopted as Planck constant,h=6.626 07 × 10-34J·s,circumference ratio,π=3.141 59,luminosity distance,1 Mpc=3.085 68 × 1024cm,electron volt,1 eV=1.602 18×10-19J,and light velocity,c=2.997 92×108m/s.
We assume the γ-ray photon flux associated with γ-ray photon spectrum index by a power-low spectrum[14—15,21](Fig.1),namely,
here,N is the observation γ-ray integral photon flux in units of photons·cm-2·s-1in the energy range of EL~EU(GeV),Γ the γ-ray photon spectrum index and N0the initial flux.In Figure 1,d N is the photon flux in the energy range of E~E+d E,d F is the emission total flux density in the range of E~E+d E.
From Equation(1)and Figure 1,we haveSo,N0can be expressed as
Owing to photon energy E=hv,therefore,the transform relation between photon energy(E GeV)and photon frequency(ν Hz)can be expressed as
Here,the units of GeV and Hz are for photon energy E and photon frequency ν respecteviley.
Figure 1 Emission spectrum of γ photon
From Figure 1,the emission flux in the energy range of E~E+d E is d F=E d N.So,the γ-ray total flux in range of EE d N,take into account Equation(1)
The units of N and E are photons·cm-2·s-1and GeV respectively.
Because the γ-ray total flux(Ft)in range of EL~EUGeV is presented by Equations(5)and(7)in units of GeV·cm-2·s-1,and the observation γ-ray integral photons in the energy range of EL~EUGeV is N photons·cm-2·s-1.Therefore,the average energy of γ-photon(Ea,ph)can be calculated by Ft/N.
If 2Γ≠,then
If 2Γ=,then
From Fig.1,the γ-ray flux density at E GeV(or 2.417 99×1023E Hz)can be calculated by formula,d F=E d N,and according Eq.(1),(GeV· cm-2·s-1·G e V-1).Considering 1 GeV=1.602 18× 1 0-3erg,1 Jy=1 0-23erg· cm-2·s-1·H z-1and 1 GeV? 2.417 99 Hz,so,the γ-ray flux density at E GeV in units of Jy can be obtained by formula,
When Equation(2)is considered,then the flux density at E GeV is
where,the units of N and E are photons·cm-2·s-1and GeV respectively.
2.4.1 Average flux density,fa
According to integral mean value theorem and base equation(11),we can obtained the average flux density(fa)in the energy range of EL~EUGeV by formula
If 2?!?then
If 2Γ=,then
2.4.2 The corresponding energy(afE)for average flux density
Take Equation(12)into Eq.(14),then
Take Equation(13)into Eq.(16),then
2.5.1 Total luminosity Lt
The γ-ray total luminosity in the range of EL~EUGeV is calculated by following formula,
Here,dLis luminosity distance,Ftis total flux.The units in Eq.(18)are considered,then
where,the units as Mpc is forLd,and
if?!?,and take Eq.(6)into Eq.(19),then we have,
ifΓ=2,and take Eq.(8)into Eq.(19),then we have,
2.5.2 The luminosity at E GeV,L(E)
The γ-ray luminosity at E GeV is calculated by following formula,Here,dLis luminosity distance,f(E)is the flux density at E GeV.The units in Eq.(22)are considered,then
In which,the units of Mpc is forLd,Jy for f(E)and GeV for E.
Take Eq.(11)into Eq.(23),then we have,
2.5.3 The average luminosity,La
The γ-ray average luminosity is calculated by formula,thereinto,ν is the corresponding frequency for the average flux density,andEafis presented by Eqs.(14)~(17).When we take into account the units in the formula,
Here,the units of Mpc is forLd,Jy for faand GeV forafE .
If?!?,and take Eq.(14)into Eq.(25),then we have,
Take Eq.(12)into Eq.(26),then
In this paper,four blazars are selected from Femri LAT 2FGL[5—6],and listed in Table 1.In the table,z is redshift,dLis luminosity distance(Mpc)calculated by formulais the observation integral photon flux(photons·cm-2·s-1)in the energy range of 1~100 GeV,Γ is the γ-ray photon spectrum index.
The calculation results for 4 blazars are listed in Table 2.However,the results calculated in the example are not K-corrected.
Table 1 Sample of Blazars
In Table 2,the descriptions of all columns are as follows.
Col.1,2FGL name.Col.2,Γ≠2,the γ-ray total flux(Ft/erg·cm-2·s-1)in 1~100 GeV calculated by Eq.(6).Col.3,Γ=2,the γ-ray total flux(Ft/erg·cm-2·s-1)in 1~100 GeV calculated by Eq.(8).Col.4,?!?,the average energy of γ-photon(Ea,ph/GeV)calculated by Eq.(9).Col.5,Γ=2,the average energy of γ-photon(Ea,ph/GeV)calculated by Eq.(10).Col.6,the γ-ray flux density at 50 GeV in units of Jy obtained by Eq.(11).Col.7,?!?,the average flux density(fa/Jy)in the energy range of 1~100 GeV obtained by Eq.(12).Col.8,Γ=2,the av er age f lux density(fa/Jy)in the energy range of 1~100 GeV obtained by Eq.(13).Col.9,2FGL name.Col.10,?!?,the corresponding energy(Efa/GeV)for average flux density(fa/Jy)obtained by Eqs.(14)or(15).Col.11,Γ=2,the corresponding energy(Efa/GeV)for average flux density(fa/Jy)obtained by Eqs.(16)or(17).Col.12,?!?,the γ-ray total luminosity(Lt/erg·s-1)in the range of 1~100 GeV calculated by Eq.(20).Col.13,Γ=2,the γ-ray total luminosity(Lt/erg·s-1)in the range of 1~100 GeV calculated by Eq.(21).Col.14,the γ-ray luminosity(L(50)/erg·s-1)at 50 GeV calculated by Eqs.(23)or(24).Col.15,Γ≠2,the γ-ray average luminosity(La/ erg·s-1)calculated by Eqs.(26)or(27).Col.16,Γ=2,the γ-ray average luminosity(La/ erg·s-1)calculated by Eq.(28).
Table 2 Calculation results
In this paper,we have discussed the calculation method of γ-ray emissions flux density,γ-ray luminosity,and average energy of γ-photons etc.using γ-ray emissions integral photons flux.The relevant volumes of the Fermi blazars emissions in a given example are calculated by the method presented in this paper.The method is also suitable in other bands such as radio,X-ray etc.,if their emissions are power-low.
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