報紙的“大字標題”,英語可以譯為headline。例如:1. 我爸爸正在瀏覽報紙上有關新聞的大字標題。My father is browsing the headlines for news from the newspaper. 2. 今天早晨我吃早飯時,瞥了一眼報紙上的大字標題。While I was having my breakfast this morning, I cast a glance at the headlines of the newspaper. 報紙的“通欄標題”,英語可以譯為banner headline。例如:3. “通欄標題”是橫跨報紙頭版的用大號字母印刷的一行字詞。A banner headline is a line of words printed in large letters across the front page of a newspaper. 廣播或電視的“新聞提要”,英語可以譯為 headlines。例如:4.“新聞提要”是廣播或電視播出的新聞要點。The headlines are the main points of the news which are read on radio or television. “頭條新聞”,英語可以譯為 headline news。例如:5. This case of arson in a bus has become headline news in many newspapers. 這個公交縱火案已成為許多報紙的頭條新聞。 “聳人聽聞的標題”,英語可以譯為sensational headline。例如:6. 許多報紙和博客利用聳人聽聞的標題吸引讀者。Many newspapers and blogs use sensational headlines to attract readers.7. 今天,一家報紙的聳人聽聞的標題引起了強烈反應。The sensational headline in a newspaper has generated a strong response today. “標題黨”指在網絡上利用聳人聽聞的標題吸引受眾注意力,以達到增加點擊量或提高知名度的一批人。英語可以譯為sensational headline writers。例如:8. 在網上,你可以經常發(fā)現(xiàn)一些標題黨利用各種嘩眾取寵的標題吸引網友眼球,以達到某種個人目的。On the Internet, you may often find some sensational writers use various demagogic headlines to attract the eyeballs of the netizens, so as to achieve their personal goals. 9. 標題黨總是編造一些標題,而這些標題幾乎與其后的正文名不副實。Sensational headline writers always produce some headings, which can hardly be substantiated by the following text. ▲(本欄目供稿:王逢鑫教授)