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2014-07-29 09:18李祥妹劉亞洲曹麗萍
中國人口·資源與環(huán)境 2014年6期

李祥妹 劉亞洲 曹麗萍

摘要 作為快速交通流線的主要形式,高速鐵路建設能有效拓展區(qū)域人口流動空間、增強區(qū)域聯(lián)系度。本研究以滬寧城際高速鐵路為例,基于宏觀經(jīng)濟聯(lián)系及問卷調(diào)查,通過構建經(jīng)濟聯(lián)系強度模型、人口流動空間聯(lián)系指數(shù)以及產(chǎn)業(yè)人口聯(lián)系指數(shù),定量分析城際高速鐵路建設對區(qū)域人口流動空間的影響,探討滬寧地區(qū)“一軸雙核”經(jīng)濟結構運行機理。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):①滬寧城際高速鐵路建設有效拓寬了城市間人口流動時空,縮短了區(qū)域經(jīng)濟距離,以南京市和上海市為核心的人口、產(chǎn)業(yè)以及經(jīng)濟空間集聚效應明顯,寧鎮(zhèn)揚(南京、鎮(zhèn)江、揚州)和蘇錫常(蘇州、無錫、常州)一體化程度增加,并且上海市與蘇錫常地區(qū)相互聯(lián)系增強,人口、產(chǎn)業(yè)、經(jīng)濟發(fā)展均質(zhì)化程度提高;②高速鐵路建成后,南京及上海周邊地區(qū)呈現(xiàn)人口集聚的極核效應,上海與蘇州、無錫與常州、南京與鎮(zhèn)江的人口流動聯(lián)系強度加強,高速鐵路沿線區(qū)域“一軸雙核”空間發(fā)展特征明顯,經(jīng)濟一體化趨勢加快;③滬寧城際高速鐵路建成后,沿線居民出行頻次增加,尤其是20-44歲之間的有較高職業(yè)聲望的青壯年勞動力流動頻次增加顯著,這種微觀變化一方面表征了區(qū)域經(jīng)濟聯(lián)系度的增加,另一方面體現(xiàn)了區(qū)域人力資本之間的融合與相互依賴,是經(jīng)濟一體化的內(nèi)在表現(xiàn)形式;④高速鐵路服務水平、舒適度、準時性、高效性等是居民選擇乘坐高速鐵路的主要影響因子,居民出行及相互交流更注重實效;⑤結合區(qū)域產(chǎn)業(yè)分工與人口集聚,上海、南京的批發(fā)和零售業(yè)、文化、體育和娛樂業(yè)等,鎮(zhèn)江市的信息傳輸、計算機服務和軟件業(yè)等的產(chǎn)業(yè)人口流動趨勢指數(shù)為正值,這些產(chǎn)業(yè)人口的流動是區(qū)域人口集聚的主要因素;同時蘇州、無錫的制造業(yè)、常州的金融業(yè)等產(chǎn)業(yè)人口流動趨勢指數(shù)為負值,從而導致這些城市人口呈現(xiàn)擴散趨勢。

關鍵詞 滬寧城際高速鐵路;經(jīng)濟聯(lián)系強度;人口流動空間;產(chǎn)業(yè)人口流動趨勢

中圖分類號 F061.5 文獻標識碼 A 文章編號 1002-2104(2014)06-0140-08 doi:103969/jissn1002-2104201406021

隨著區(qū)域經(jīng)濟發(fā)展,城市間空間聯(lián)系度進一步加強,經(jīng)濟發(fā)達地區(qū)城際高速鐵路(Highspeed Rail,HSR)通過縮短城市間時空距離和經(jīng)濟距離加速了城際人口、資金、信息、技術等要素的交流,改變了交通沿線城市社會經(jīng)濟發(fā)展進程和空間聯(lián)系機理,通過加速區(qū)域間的人口流動頻率來加強聯(lián)系強度,為區(qū)域發(fā)展提供了新的途徑,高速鐵路成為區(qū)域經(jīng)濟一體化、產(chǎn)業(yè)與人口集聚以及產(chǎn)業(yè)重組與地域分工的主要動力。


近年來隨著我國高速鐵路的快速發(fā)展,國內(nèi)關于高速鐵路建設對區(qū)域發(fā)展的研究也不斷得到加強,主要集中在長三角和京津塘地區(qū),研究視角包括高速鐵路建設背景下區(qū)域可達性變化機理及區(qū)域空間經(jīng)濟格局演化 [11-12]、高速鐵路對區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的綜合影響[13-14]、旅客出行行為及跨區(qū)域流動特征[15]等,研究方法多為定性描述[16-18],對于高速鐵路建設背景下區(qū)域經(jīng)濟發(fā)展微觀作用機理、區(qū)域人口流動特征等的關注較少。基于此,本研究以滬寧城際高速鐵路沿線地區(qū)為研究對象,在宏觀分析城市經(jīng)濟聯(lián)系基


1 研究區(qū)概況及數(shù)據(jù)來源

1.1 研究區(qū)概況

本研究區(qū)域為長江三角洲城市群(Yangtze River Delta Megalopolis)核心區(qū),該地區(qū)是我國城市群最密集、生產(chǎn)力最發(fā)達、經(jīng)濟增長最強勁、發(fā)展最具活力的區(qū)域之一,



1.2 數(shù)據(jù)來源

本文數(shù)據(jù)來源分為宏觀統(tǒng)計和微觀調(diào)查兩類數(shù)據(jù),宏觀統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)主要來源于各市統(tǒng)計年鑒,微觀調(diào)查數(shù)據(jù)來源于2013年5月對滬寧城際高速鐵路沿線6個站點的調(diào)查問卷。問卷調(diào)查中,首先于2013年4月23、24日在南京站進行了預調(diào)研,共發(fā)放問卷250份,通過預調(diào)研分析問卷設計中存在的問題、了解問卷調(diào)查中需要注意的方向,并在此基礎上對問卷進行了完善,正式調(diào)查于2013年5月6-10日進行,主要在上海、蘇州、無錫、常州、鎮(zhèn)江5個城際高速鐵路站候車室對旅客進行了問卷調(diào)查及訪談。為避免周末非工作旅客的干擾,調(diào)研時間集中于周一到周五,問卷發(fā)放時段為8∶00-20∶00,涵蓋了城際高速鐵路發(fā)車的高峰時間段。包括預調(diào)研共發(fā)放問卷1 500份,回收1 483份,回收率98.87%;其中有效問卷共1 412份,有效率為95.21%。

1 412份有效調(diào)查問卷中有666%的乘客為男性,年齡集中在25-44歲之間,教育水平以大專及本科以上學歷為主,主要為銷售/服務人口、企事業(yè)單位管理人口/職員和專業(yè)技術/研究人口,呈現(xiàn)專業(yè)型和商務型旅行特征:從旅客收入看,月收入在3 001-5 000元之間的占312%,5 001-7 000元和7 000元以上分別占227%、212%,以中高收入為主。

3 結果分析

3.1 滬寧高速鐵路沿線城市經(jīng)濟聯(lián)系強度


3.2 滬寧城際高速鐵路沿線城市人口流動空間特征


3.2.1 人口流動空間聯(lián)系指數(shù)變化分析



3.3 滬寧城際高速鐵路沿線城市產(chǎn)業(yè)人口流動趨勢特征




4 結 論




(3)通過Ordered Probit計量模型來探討人口流動空間聯(lián)系強度增加的微觀機理,最后發(fā)現(xiàn)性別、年齡、職業(yè)、月收入、選擇高速鐵路的原因以及對高速鐵路的滿意度這6個要素對于人們出行頻次的增加具有顯著的影響。


(編輯:于 杰)


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Abstract As the main form of rapid traffic streamline, highspeed railway (HSR) can effectively expand regional population space of flow and strengthen the regional connection. Based on the interviews and questionnaires from the passengers of highspeed rail, this paper analyzes the intercity space of flows and the spatial integration indicated by the individual micro behavior choice, discusses ShanghaiNanjing “one axis dualcore” running mechanism of the economic structure by building economic relation force model, population space of flow contact index and space contact of industrial population index.The findings include: ①Not only does ShanghaiNanjing intercity highspeed railway effectively broaden space and time of population flow between cities, but also shorten the distance of the regional economy. Population, industry, and economy present spatial agglomeration in Shanghai and Nanjing. The level of integration in regions of NingZhenYang and SuXiChang increase, meanwhile the linkages between Shanghai and region of SuXiChang are strengthened, as the degree of homogenization in population, industry, and economy development increases. ②The surroundings of Nanjing and Shanghai present polar nuclei of population agglomeration effect. The contact of population flow is strengthened between Shanghai and Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou, Nanjing and Zhenjiang, therefore the trend of urban integration becomes evident. At the same time it presents “one axis dualcore” space development characteristics in the region along highspeed railway,and economic integration trend becomes obvious. ③After the ShanghaiNanjing intercity highspeed railway has been completed,the frequency of people travel increases,

especially those young adults between ages 20 to 44 and with a higher occupational prestige. It indicates the regional economic connection is strengthened and regional human capital is of interdependence and fusion. ④The service level,comfort,punctuality,high efficiency, etc are main factors that influence the residents choose high speed railway to have a trip. ⑤Combined with the regional industry division of labor and population agglomeration, it discovers that the trend index of population flow in industries of wholesale and retail industries, culture, sports and entertainment in Shanghai and Nanjing, information transmission, computer services and software industry in Zhenjiang is positive. The population flow in those industries is the main factor of regional population agglomeration. Simultaneously the trend index of population flow in industry of manufacturing industry and finance in Suzhou and Wuxi is negative, leading to the urban population showed a trend of diffusion.

Key words ShanghaiNanjing intercity highspeed railway; economic relation force; population space of flow; trend index of population flow in industry






Abstract As the main form of rapid traffic streamline, highspeed railway (HSR) can effectively expand regional population space of flow and strengthen the regional connection. Based on the interviews and questionnaires from the passengers of highspeed rail, this paper analyzes the intercity space of flows and the spatial integration indicated by the individual micro behavior choice, discusses ShanghaiNanjing “one axis dualcore” running mechanism of the economic structure by building economic relation force model, population space of flow contact index and space contact of industrial population index.The findings include: ①Not only does ShanghaiNanjing intercity highspeed railway effectively broaden space and time of population flow between cities, but also shorten the distance of the regional economy. Population, industry, and economy present spatial agglomeration in Shanghai and Nanjing. The level of integration in regions of NingZhenYang and SuXiChang increase, meanwhile the linkages between Shanghai and region of SuXiChang are strengthened, as the degree of homogenization in population, industry, and economy development increases. ②The surroundings of Nanjing and Shanghai present polar nuclei of population agglomeration effect. The contact of population flow is strengthened between Shanghai and Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou, Nanjing and Zhenjiang, therefore the trend of urban integration becomes evident. At the same time it presents “one axis dualcore” space development characteristics in the region along highspeed railway,and economic integration trend becomes obvious. ③After the ShanghaiNanjing intercity highspeed railway has been completed,the frequency of people travel increases,

especially those young adults between ages 20 to 44 and with a higher occupational prestige. It indicates the regional economic connection is strengthened and regional human capital is of interdependence and fusion. ④The service level,comfort,punctuality,high efficiency, etc are main factors that influence the residents choose high speed railway to have a trip. ⑤Combined with the regional industry division of labor and population agglomeration, it discovers that the trend index of population flow in industries of wholesale and retail industries, culture, sports and entertainment in Shanghai and Nanjing, information transmission, computer services and software industry in Zhenjiang is positive. The population flow in those industries is the main factor of regional population agglomeration. Simultaneously the trend index of population flow in industry of manufacturing industry and finance in Suzhou and Wuxi is negative, leading to the urban population showed a trend of diffusion.

Key words ShanghaiNanjing intercity highspeed railway; economic relation force; population space of flow; trend index of population flow in industry






Abstract As the main form of rapid traffic streamline, highspeed railway (HSR) can effectively expand regional population space of flow and strengthen the regional connection. Based on the interviews and questionnaires from the passengers of highspeed rail, this paper analyzes the intercity space of flows and the spatial integration indicated by the individual micro behavior choice, discusses ShanghaiNanjing “one axis dualcore” running mechanism of the economic structure by building economic relation force model, population space of flow contact index and space contact of industrial population index.The findings include: ①Not only does ShanghaiNanjing intercity highspeed railway effectively broaden space and time of population flow between cities, but also shorten the distance of the regional economy. Population, industry, and economy present spatial agglomeration in Shanghai and Nanjing. The level of integration in regions of NingZhenYang and SuXiChang increase, meanwhile the linkages between Shanghai and region of SuXiChang are strengthened, as the degree of homogenization in population, industry, and economy development increases. ②The surroundings of Nanjing and Shanghai present polar nuclei of population agglomeration effect. The contact of population flow is strengthened between Shanghai and Suzhou, Wuxi and Changzhou, Nanjing and Zhenjiang, therefore the trend of urban integration becomes evident. At the same time it presents “one axis dualcore” space development characteristics in the region along highspeed railway,and economic integration trend becomes obvious. ③After the ShanghaiNanjing intercity highspeed railway has been completed,the frequency of people travel increases,

especially those young adults between ages 20 to 44 and with a higher occupational prestige. It indicates the regional economic connection is strengthened and regional human capital is of interdependence and fusion. ④The service level,comfort,punctuality,high efficiency, etc are main factors that influence the residents choose high speed railway to have a trip. ⑤Combined with the regional industry division of labor and population agglomeration, it discovers that the trend index of population flow in industries of wholesale and retail industries, culture, sports and entertainment in Shanghai and Nanjing, information transmission, computer services and software industry in Zhenjiang is positive. The population flow in those industries is the main factor of regional population agglomeration. Simultaneously the trend index of population flow in industry of manufacturing industry and finance in Suzhou and Wuxi is negative, leading to the urban population showed a trend of diffusion.

Key words ShanghaiNanjing intercity highspeed railway; economic relation force; population space of flow; trend index of population flow in industry

婺源县| 崇州市| 齐河县| 工布江达县| 封丘县| 山东省| 四平市| 九龙县| 五华县| 阜城县| 临沭县| 英德市| 乌苏市| 麻阳| 余干县| 咸宁市| 灵山县| 巴中市| 库车县| 普定县| 萨嘎县| 玛曲县| 习水县| 渝北区| 东兴市| 柳河县| 呈贡县| 顺平县| 白河县| 南部县| 韩城市| 永修县| 高雄县| 荆门市| 旺苍县| 西城区| 金山区| 永康市| 罗山县| 禹州市| 柳江县|