Thehierarchyandaminimalistinquiryintotheso-calledDouble-subjectclauseandtransitiveclauseinChinese:AreanalysisofDaxiangBiziChangfromthepespectiveofGeneralizedUnaccusativeHypothesis(p. 1)
MAZhigang(Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510420, China)
TakingDaxiangBiziChangas a Double-subject clause is not in accord with the requirements on argument selection and theta-assignment as is set out by VPISH (Verbal-Predicate Internal Subject Hypothesis). The hierarchy-based analysis hightlights the unaccusative nature of the relevant predicates in such clauses, which renders them possible to select a specifier and a complement in the lexical array. The possessive relation between the specifier argument and the complement argument is made accessible to native intuition within the constraint of asymmetrical c-command configuration. The present article proposes that a Double-subject clause is by nature a type of Focus-sensitive template in Chinese, whereas the canonical transitive clauses take the clause-end-constituent as their informational focus.
TheformationandidentificationofambiguityincausativesandpassivesofMandarinChinese“rang/jiao/gei”sentences(p. 9)
HELing(College of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China)
This paper first illustrates some ambiguity-related phenomena in Chinese “rang/jiao/gei” sentences. Then, with previous studies on similar phenomena in other languages,it tries to testify them in Mandarin Chinese. With some shortages found in previous studies, the paper tends to improve those studies to present the forming process of ambiguity in “rang/jiao/gei” sentences. Moreover, it proposes plausible steps to identify the causative or the passive. Finally the necessity and importance of Secondary Affectedness Construction (SAC) to analyze these ambiguous phenomena are put forward, and some cross-linguistic characteristics are also mentioned.
Figure-GroundswitchesandthesublimationofTheme—AcognitivepoeticapproachtoOdeonaGrecianUrn(p. 18)
MAJuling&SHANGHaiping(School of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China)
Cognitive poetics is a new literary theory, involving the application of cognitive science and cognitive linguistics to literary texts. Adopting Stockwell’s Figure-Ground Theory, this article attempts to giveOdeonaGrecianUrna cognitive poetic analysis by analyzing the Figure-Ground configurations throughout the poem. We hold that Figure-Ground configurations play a key role in the interpretation of the poem’s theme, “Beauty is truth, truth beauty”.
AnalysisofpolarityandmodalityfeaturesofObama’selectionvictoryspeeches(p. 24)
DULisha&ZHONGLing(College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China)
Extensive studies on mood and modality have been carried out in recent years, yet more corpus is needed for further analysis. This paper aims to analyze the features of polarity and modality of Obama’s 2008 and 2012 Election Victory Speeches. The first part, focused on the polarity feature of Obama’s speeches based on the modality system theory of Halliday’s functional grammar, has demonstrated and explained the sentences that can not be fully explained by Halliday’s paradox of polarity and modality. The second part has further introduced the effect of the most frequently used auxiliary “will” and low value modal auxiliaries by using the prototype theory in cognitive linguistics. Besides, the function of modality metaphor to clarify subjective intentions and promote speech effect is also discussed.
AstudyofthevocabularyacquisitionofEnglishforMilitaryPurposesbyEnglishmajors(p. 30)
WANGXinxin(College of Science, The PLA Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, China)
English military terms are important components of English for Military Purposes. For the cadets majoring in English, they need to learn English for general purposes as well as English for specific purposes, and they must grasp a certain number of English military terms. However, how well these cadets have mastered English military terms has been much inadequately documented in current research. It was found from this empirical survey that the cadets majoring in English, horizontally and vertically, displayed a very undesirable acquisition of the English military terms specified by relevant documents, and that many thought-provoking problems were exposed. This study has applied and academic values and may provide helpful reference for the military transformation of the teaching and learning of English in PLA educational institutions.
AstudyonWordClassandRankasdevelopedbyOttoJespersenandintroducedbyWangLi:BasedonacontrastiveanalysisofThePhilosophyofGrammarandZhongguoXiandaiYufa(p. 37)
GUOWei(School of English Studies, Xi’an International Studies University, Xi’an 710128, China)
ZHANGGaoyuan(Foreign Languages School, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210046, China)
The Danish linguist Otto Jespersen (1860-1943) put forward the theory of “Three Ranks” as early as in 1913, which has since then been applied to his subsequent grammatical works as their essence. The Chinese scholar Wang Li introduced Jespersen’s theoretical construct ofRankinto his two Chinese grammars, namely,ZhongguoXiandaiYufaandZhongguoYufaLilun, constructing a new frame for modern Chinese grammar with the theory of “Three Ranks” as its foundation. Owing to a lack of serious study of the aspects Wang Li borrowed from Jespersen’s theory, there has existed some misunderstanding in China’s linguistic circle as concerns whether “Wang Li has totally and uncritically accepted Jespersen’s rank theory.” This paper tries to probe into the misunderstanding of Wang Li’s borrowing, based on a contrastive analysis of Word Class and Rank as developed by Jespersen and introduced by his Chinese counterpart.
ReviewonGrounding:TheEpistemicFootingofDeixisandReference(p. 46)
YANGLimei(College of Foreign Languages, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, China)
The article reviewsGrounding:TheEpistemicFootingofDeixisandReferencepublished by Mouton de Gruyter in 2002, which includes a collection of the main and current research achievements in the field of language grounding proposed by R. W. Langacker. The themes of this book range from theoretical introduction of grounding to its application to the specific linguistic categories in different languages. It holds the view that grounding as either an analytical approach or a theory plays a significant role in the current development of cognitive linguistics.This book serves as a necessary resource file and provides guidance for those working in cognitive linguistics.
OnHemingway’sfeminineconsciousness(p. 52)
YANGRenjing(College of Foreign Languages and Cultures, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China)
The female images in Hemingway’s fiction have been a controversial issue for quite a long time in the academic world. This thesis vividly gives a brief account and comment on the positive and negative viewpoints on the issue. And based on the fictional text-analysis, and combined with the social, epochal and cultural contexts, it points out that Hemingway’s female images may be divided into four categories with different characteristics and by no means of the same stereotype. They have reflected the changes of Hemingway’s feminine consciousness from the 1920s to the 1950s. It shows that Hemingway, free from the bondage of traditional ideology, doesn’t saliently worship the masculine heroism, nor looks down upon female figures. On the contrary, he has overcome the prejudice in his life and portrayed the female images realistically with double-sex outlook. The paper also makes some comments on Hemingway’s “Secret Muses” and the doubts on the theory of the wounded by some American scholars who advocate the new points of androgyny. It shows the new breakthrough in Hemingway studies in the United States. Thus it’s of great significance.
ThefilmLifeofPiasanadaptation(p. 61)
CHENGuangxing(Institute of Literature Studies, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai 200083, China)
LifeofPidirected by Ang Lee is a film based on Yann Martel’s 2001 novel of the same name. Since its release,LifeofPihas been widely praised for its use of 3D. Nevertheless, the film fails to do justice to the novel for its lack of details of Pi’s desperate struggle, failure to mark the time span of Pi’s adventure, simplification of human-animal relationship, and objectification of others through its gaze. A comparative study between the film and the novel will deepen our understanding of both works and the nature of film as a medium.
AcriticalsurveyofthecontemporaryEuropeanandAmericanmodernismstudies(p. 67)
OURong(School of Foreign Languages, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 311121, China)
The rise of the Modernist Movement in the early 20thcentury has produced far-reaching impact on the world literature. The scholarship of Modernism Studies has been enormous in the past century. The paper, with a brief introduction to the past scholarship home and abroad first, makes a critical survey of the contemporary European and American Modernism Studies from four aspects: modernism and the East, modernism and the Inter-art Poetics, modernism and Urban Studies, as well as modernism revisited in the postmodern context, providing a framework for the future Modernism Studies.
Arobeintotheartof“silence”inHenryJames’sTheGoldenBowl(p. 73)
WEIXinjun(Department of Foreign Languages, Pharmaceutical University of China, Nanjing 211198, China)
Henry James tended to employ wordlessness as an artistic feature in his literary writing and there appear a lot of silences in his works. Silence, which is rich and deep in implication, exerts tremendous power in depicting the character’s consciousness. The art of “silence” is fully and forcibly exemplified inTheGoldenBowl. This paper attempts to illustrate the strange marriages and complicated relationships between the two couples in one big family, and explore the artistic charm in James’s novels, in the terms of hidden peril, game playing and wordless power reflected by silences.
TheovershadowedfemalenarrativevoiceinMollFlanders(p. 79)
SUNHongyuan(Faculty of Foreign Languages, Shaoguan University, Shaoguan 512005, China)
In the 18thcentury, Britain experienced the great changes from traditional agrarian society to the early modern society. During this social transferring period appeared the new construction of the culture. Daniel Defoe is the first British writer to create a female protagonist in the novel. The reconsideration of the surface structure and deep structure of the novel reveals thatMollFlandersis the discourse product of patriarchal society. As a female character created by a male writer, Moll Flanders’ narrative voice is preempted by the voice of the male implied author. However, Moll Flanders, as a female subversive, breaks the established order of male and female, and the relatively stable society of the man-in-center by her unimaginable words and action.
AstudyofdiachronicchangesintheChinesetranslationsofHamlet—Withspecialreferencetoplant-basedmetaphorsandtheirtranslationsinfourChinesetranslationsofHamlet(p. 85)
WANGXiaonong(College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China; School of Foreign Languages, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China)
YUJiayu(School of Foreign Languages, Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China)
On the basis of a basic and concise theoretical definition of re-translating literature classics, part of the diachronic change marks is studied with reference to the plant-based metaphors inHamletand their renderings in the four Chinese translations by Zhu Shenghao, Liang Shiqiu, Wang Hongyin, and Huang Guobin respectively. It is found that between the two pairs eighty years apart, that is, Zhu’s and Liang’s, the two old translations, and Wang’s and Huang’s, the two new ones, there are both common ground and remarkable differences. For about half those metaphors with similar literal denotation and cultural connotation, and easily accessible in their contexts, their translations remain basically unchanged. For others, compared with the two old translations, the two new ones tend to be more accurate in understanding the original, more flexible and detailed in rendering methods, more revealing culturally and more natural and image-laden linguistically with better stage effect.
AStudyoftheinfluenceoflanguagefuzzinessonthetranslationoftechnicalterms:RevelationsfromthetranslationofshuilibetweenChineseandEnglish(p. 91)
CHUHangjun(School of Foreign Studies, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450046, China)
There is no fuzziness in the abstract technical semantic system, while preciseness is relative in people’s cognitive experience in the use of technical terms. That is why the preciseness of the translation of technical terms is inversely proportional to the language fuzziness. This principle makes the Sino-English translation of Chinese technical termshuilivery complex, so more attention should be paid to the term in translation practice.
OnthechoiceofEnglishpredicateinC-Etranslation:AcasestudyofthethirdchapterofHongLouMenganditstwoEnglishversions(p. 95)
ANRan&WANGJianguo(School of Foreign Languages, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)
Based on the third chapter ofHongLouMengand its two English versions, this article explores where English predicates come from in C-E translation from the aspects of parts of speech, syntactical components and sentence patterns with the methods of comparative and quantitative analyses. The study finds that in C-E translation, English predicates, mainly comes from Chinese verbal predicates from the perspective of syntactical components, and, mainly from the first or last verb of Chinese multi-verb sentences from the perspective(s) of parts of speech and/or sentence patterns. In addition, English predicates are added to meet the requirement of the English S-V structure in the position where the corresponding Chinese predicate verbs are omitted. As a result, some translation strategies are proposed accordingly with explanations to the findings above.