(北京聯(lián)合大學(xué)基礎(chǔ)部,北京 100101)
(北京聯(lián)合大學(xué)基礎(chǔ)部,北京 100101)
研究了含積分邊界條件的分?jǐn)?shù)階微分方程的邊值問題,首先給出格林函數(shù)及性質(zhì),其次將問題轉(zhuǎn)化為一個等價的積分方程,最后應(yīng)用Krasnoselkii及Leggett-W illiam s不動點定理得到了一個及多個正解的存在性,推廣了以往的結(jié)果.
DO I:10.3969/j.issn.1008-5513.2013.05.002
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The ex istence o f p ositive so lu tions for boundary value p rob lem s of fractional d if eren tial equations w ith in tegral boundary cond itions
Zhang Lixin,Wang Haiju
(Department of Basic Courses,Beijing Union University,Beijing 100101,China)
In this paper,we consider the existence of positive solu tions for fractional boundary value p rob lem s w ith integral boundary conditions.First,w e give the properties of G reen′s function.Second,the p rob lem has been reduced to the equivalent Fredholm integral equation.Finally,using K rasnoselkii f xed point theorem and Leggett-W illiam s f xed point theorem,some resu ltson the existenceof positive solutions are obtained.Thework is an extension of the p revious resu lts.
integral boundary conditions,fractional dif erential equation,f xed point theorem, positive solu tion
北京市自然科學(xué)基金(1122016);北京市教委科技計劃面上項目(KM 201311417006);北京聯(lián)合大學(xué)中自然科學(xué)類新起點計劃項目(zk201203).
2010 MSC:34A 08,34B18