Presentation on Symbols of Exorcism at International Forum
By Zhu Guanliang
Posting a portrait of Zhong Kui and exorcism symbols at Duanwu Festival, which falls on the fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar Chinese calendar, is a tradition that goes back to ancient times. In folk faith in many parts of ancient China, the fifth month was a month of evils and the fifth day of the month was a day of devils. Exorcism symbols were a part of folk ritual on the day in many households. To find out exactly how local people do this, i have done two field studies in Haining, now a county-level city in northern Zhejiang Province.
First Field Study on the Festival in 1985
Local documentation records that there were about 340 temples of various sorts across Haining before 1949, the year the New China was founded. That was, there was a temple in almost every village. They disappeared gradually over decades. It was not until the 1980s that temples staged a comeback thanks to the adoption of a religious policy when the country began to open to the outside world again. Yunlin Temple, a village religious sanctuary, was constructed in 1985 with funds donated through private channels. The buddha worshiped at the temple is called Duke Zhang Liu. I visited the temple on Duanwu Festival shortly after the temple was opened.
Local legend has it that Zhang Liu, a general of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), came to Haining in a bid to bring destructive tides under control. He died for the project. Local people built a temple in honor of the heroic general. In good old days, the sacrificial ceremony was a big event for local people from more than ten townships. During the ceremony, people paraded for three days, traveling about 50 kilometers in three days. And there were about 100 events. Tens of thousands of people participated. It was one of the biggest temple affairs in Haining.
Posting exorcism symbols was a popular practice in the neighborhood. On the day I visited, there was a leather-silhouette showoutside the temple, watched by a large audience. A long queue of people were waiting for their turns to get an exorcism symbol from an old Taoist in a side room of the temple. The old man drew a set of four symbol s every two or three minutes and distributed them fast.
While the Taoist took a break during the lunch time, i chatted with him. He was Zhang Yingchang. He declined to talk about himself. He said the temple was built thanks to the donations and endeavors of the local people. To express his appreciation, he had come to distribute exorcism symbols the first thing in the morning. He considered these symbols as the way he thanked local people. He explained that posting exorcism symbols on Duanwu Festival was a top priority of local people.
Zhang spent a lot of time explaining the custom and symbols to me. He said that local people believed in exorcising evils and devils during the Duanwu Festival. It was a folk faith and people just did it. As for the art of drawing symbols, he said practice makes perfect. I politely asked him to draw me some symbols. He gladly obliged, drawing a set of four. It took him about 8 minutes to create all four symbols. After finishing the drawing, he stamped the symbols with a red seal.
The four symbols look powerful. They are something between painting and calligraphy. Zhang Yingchang made them almost at one stroke. The four symbols are 26 years old now.
In 1985, he was one of the few people in Haining who knew how to create exorcism symbols. Now, twenty-six years later, in all probability, there is no one in Haining who is able to draw such symbols in a traditional way.
Second Field Study on May 1, 2011
Before the festival in 2011, i wrote a paper on symbols of exorcism in Haining and presented it to the organizing committee for qualifying to participate in the 2011 International Forum on Duanwu Customs. The paper was highly appreciated. I received a call from the Jiaxing Folk Artists Association and I was asked to flesh out the paper with more materials. I ran into difficulty, thinking it was extremely hard to locate a man specialized in drawing such symbols. However, i happened to see two symbols, which looked extremely old on the door of a friend i was visiting. I learned that they were created by Wang Xuebao, a Taoist in his 90s. The symbols were posted on the door on Duanwu Festival in 2010.
Through the arrangements of a friend, i made an appointment with Wang Xuebao and visited him on May 1. In good health, Wang still practiced Taoist ceremonies. It turned out that he and Zhang Yingchang had studied under the same master and he was junior to Zhang in seniority. He agreed without hesitation to create symbols. It took him less than 30 minutes to create a set of four symbols.
He elaborated on the symbols, explaining who these four gods were and how they exorcised devils and evils. I asked Wang Chunguang, a son of Wang Xuebao, if he inherited his father's art. Quite disappointingly he said no.
International Forum in June, 2011
In June 2011, i was invited to attend the international symposium. Participants included 65 domestic and international experts and scholars. I presented my paper. The paper caused a sensation. It was unanimously greed that the paper provided a unique angle and valuable pictures, which were hard to come by.
After the symposium, a Japanese professor chatted with me through an interpreter and he earnestly suggested we keep in touch in the future. He was eager to further the exploration of the subject.