Toppic of thiss issue: Fiber, Vision
Editor’s nnote::Fiber art iis aa ssort of aart formm whichh is vveryy ooldd andd also vveryy youunnng.From tthe ooriginnal knotting aand wweaving, tto rollingg and makingg feeltss, carppets, ttappestries, eembroiddereed, to the art aand technologgyy ffoorrmms in nnowadays thhaat cconttain painntiinggs, prinnntts, sculptuure, instaalllation aarrt, eearth art, perfoormance arrtt,phhotograpph aaand ddigital art;from the crreeaatioon with the help oof the macchinees to the freely wwayss of weavingg,,from tthee rreepresseentational and decorrativveee fformss tto tthhe abstracct aannddd eeexpeerriimmeennntal forrmmms, ffrrooom twwooddiiimmensional space to tthe tthrree-ddimmennsiioonnaal space...HHow maany surprise, immagiinationn, move, enlightennmentt and thinking will itt bbbrings to us?There were manyy introduucctions of several f iber arttists ttoo tthe reeaders were publliissshhed,,whhicch started fromm tthe f i rstt iissuee oof thhe Sccuulpture Magazine in this year.Thhis ttime, please follow thee eediitttoor’ss steps aand enter into thhe ZheJiaang Art Museeum, and pplease apppreeciate "the First HaangZhou Inteerrnnaational Fiber Art Exhhibbiition TTriienniiaal"!