Reporter Xing Dan
Among the waves of green technology, we see shipping emission reduction buzzes. The recently closed IMO MEPC 62 adopted the amendment to MARPOL annex VI which put EEDI (Energy Efficient Design Index) into mandatory enforcement. Under this background,what new characteristics will emerge in future green ships?How can ship design establish the basis for green ship and green shipping? With these questions in mind, our reporter interviewed Mr. Liu Nan, general manager of Shanghai Bestway Marine Engineering Design Co., Ltd.
Reporter: Under the impact of green wave, what do you think is the development trend of ship type in future?
Liu Nan:In future, green ship development should not focus on one certain point or aspect but rather involve the entire life cycle of the ships. Green ship development should take full consideration of the entire process of ship operational needs, design, construction, operation management and ship recycling. Following this streamline, green ship technology research, application and promotion can be made into all applicable areas and green ship technology development can be promoted in an all round way.
Reporter: As a ship design enterprise, how do you think you can manage the green concept in the link of ship design?
Liu Nan:“Green ship” should be a comprehensive consideration about the ship’s environmental protection,energy efficiency, safety and comfortableness. “Green” has become the biggest hot topic, opportunity and challenge of the whole industry. Design concept should change from the past focus solely on environmental protection and safety into the present full green new standards focusing also on energy efficiency, emission reduction, recycling, renewable/clean energy, intrinsic safety and environment-friendliness.We should conduct our work of technical research,application and promotion by taking such “green factors”into consideration.
Reporter: In response to the impact of EEDI upon Chinese industries, what actions should Chinese ship yards and design institutes take?
Liu Nan:After MEPC 61, China Classification Society(CCS) associated with shipping and shipbuilding industries to start establishing a joint industry work group and develop industry guidelines to ensure the consistency of implementing IMO guidelines and related requirements.The industry guidelines will clearly establish sources of variable data and provide examples of EEDI computation and verifi cation.
Domestic ship yards and design institutes have always attached great importance to green ships. At the end of 2009, we collaborated with LR to jointly develop the“research on green bulk carrier of 35000 dwt”. The project can help reduce 20% of fuel consumption, reduce hull steel weight up to 370 tons and finally bring down EEDI by 24% on the baseline of IMO. Meanwhile, our company has directly applied the research method and outcome into the development and design of similar type of bulk carriers.Currently, we have successfully developed “Jade Bulk Carrier Series” which we are promoting on the market step by step. Up to now, the series have seen dozens of ships contracted and brought about good social and economic benefits.