YU Hong-Xia, TANG Wen-Qiao, LI Si-Fa
(Laboratory of Ichthyology, Shanghai Ocean University, Key Laboratory of Exploration and Utilization of Aquatic Genetic Resources, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 200090, China)
Morphological changes of silver and bighead carp in the Yangtze River over the past 50 years
YU Hong-Xia, TANG Wen-Qiao*, LI Si-Fa
(Laboratory of Ichthyology,Shanghai Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Exploration and Utilization of Aquatic Genetic Resources,Ministry of Education,Shanghai200090,China)
Multivariate analysis was adopted to analyze 30 morphometrical characteristics of 121 one-year-old juvenile silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis) bred during the 1950s (“the former population”) and 2008 (“the current population”) and collected from the middle reach of the Yangtze River. The average discriminant accuracies of the former and current silver and bighead carp population were 94.2% and 98.0%,respectively. Discriminant analysis also revealed that significant differences in morphology occurred between the former and current populations of both carp in overall characteristics. One-way analysis of variance indicated that between former and current populations, silver carp showed highly significant differences (P<0.01) in twelve of their characteristics and significant differences (P<0.05) in eight of their characteristics, while bighead carp showed highly significant differences (P<0.01) in eight of their characteristics and significant differences (P<0.05) in eight of their characteristics. Six head morphology variables of the current silver and bighead carp were significantly or highly significantly larger than the former populations; fourteen characteristics of silver carp and ten characteristics of bighead carp of the current populations, mainly reflecting truck and tail morphology, were significantly or very significantly smaller than the former populations. Our results indicate that silver and bighead carp have developed a larger head and smaller truck and tail during the last 50 years. Due to such morphological changes, it seems apparent that the heads of these fish species need to be considered in regards to human diets, particularly in relation to economic and nutritious value.
Silver carp; Bighead carp; 50 years breeding; Morphological change; Yangtze River
As early as the Tang Dynasty, silver carp(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp(Aristichthys nobilis) have been the main type of fresh water fish cultivated in China. Together with grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idellus) and black carp(Mylopharyngodon piceus), they are considered China’s major carp species. Following the successful breeding of these species during the late 1950s, cultivation of silver and bighead carp has been introduced to 80 countries and 68 regions around the world and they now have the highest aquaculture output in China and globally(Schofield et al, 2005). The Yangtze River, a high quality gene pool of the four major Chinese carp, has attracted significant scientific attention in regards to the biological characteristics of silver and bighead carp and its resource status (Survey Team of Spawning Grounds of Domestic Fishes in Yangtze River, 1982; Li et al, 1995; Liu et al,1992; Chen et al, 1995; Liu et al, 1997, 2004; Qiu et al,2002). In the last three decades, however, natural fishery resources have been seriously damaged as a result of excessive fishing, water pollution, and hydro project construction. Additionally, large groups of farmed fish have been released into the Yangtze River, which has disrupted this natural gene bank. To protect such fishery resources, it is important to track the genetic conditions of silver and bighead carp in the Yangtze River, as well as changes in their biological characteristics (Cao, 2008).
A number of intensive studies on the morphological and growth characteristics of silver and bighead carp have been conducted in China, which have identified the morphological standards for their original populations(Li et al, 1989, 1990, 1995; Liu et al, 1992; Sun et al,1992; Ding et al, 2003; Yu et al, 2009). As the oldest and simplest way to detect quantitative characteristics controlled by polygenes, morphometry not only reflects genetic conditions but also cultured capability. Based on a good understanding of the phenotypic changes of silver and bighead carp during their ontogenetic process (Yu et al, 2010), we measured the external morphological characteristics of one-year-old silver and bighead carp collected during the mid 20thcentury and early 21stcentury to reveal the morphological variation trends of these Yangtze River carp after 50 years of successful breeding. This was achieved through multivariate morphometrics to provide a basis to evaluate their genetic changes.
The former population was comprised of specimens collected during the 1950s by the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and deposited in the Freshwater Fish Museum, which included 20 silver carp and 17 bighead carp. The current population was collected in 2008 from the National Laojianghe Primary Breeding Farm for the Four Domesticated Fishes (29°35′N, 113°00′E) in Jianli County, Hubei Province, which included 32 silver carp and 42 bighead carp. All specimens were undamaged and possessed a normal body shape. The specimens were preserved in 10% formalin solution. All fish for the two species were one year old, with age determined for the current specimens from scales below of dorsal fin and above the lateral line and for historical specimens based on similar size ranges to the current specimens(Tab. 1).
Tab. 1 Number and size of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Aristichthys nobilis
Pictures were taken indoors. The lens was positioned perpendicular to the fish body at a distance four times as long as the length of fish body. The photos were then used as the measuring object. A total of 30 traditional characteristics and frame parameters were measured (Tab. 2). All data were obtained from the left side of the fish. Traditional characteristics measured included full body length, head length, proboscis length,eye orbit diameter, body depth, pectoral fin length,caudal peduncle length, caudal peduncle depth, and head depth. Ten anatomical coordinate points were selected as the measuring point for frame data (Fig. 1) (Bookstein et al, 1985; Li et al, 1990; Xie et al, 2003; Min et al, 2009)and a total of 21 frame data were built. All measurements were the distances between point to point, calculated from the pictures and measurement software and accurate to 0.01 mm.
Tab. 2 Morphometric characteristics taken on the specimen
Fig. 1 Schematic measurement for truss network
Meristic measurements vary greatly in magnitude values. To weigh in measurements of smaller absolute values, snout length and eye diameter were standardized to head length and the remaining measurements were standardized to total body length. All data were first tabulated with Microsoft Excel, and then analyzed with SPSS 11.0 (Yu et al, 2003).
Discriminant functions were established using the stepwise method, and samples were categorized based on the discriminant functions. Function accuracy was then tested (Li et al, 1998).
One-way analysis of variance was used to test differences between groups.
Discriminant formulas for the former and current populations were established according to the nine measurable characteristics and twenty-one frame numbers after standardization, respectively. To facilitate discrimination, we selected five parameters from the thirty normalizing morphological parameters and established useful discriminant formulas. The five parameters that best discriminate silver carp are X7, X9,X10, X12, and X13. The corresponding determinant formula is as follows:
For the former population:
The five parameters that best discriminate bighead carp areX2,X3,X8,X25, andX30. The corresponding discriminant formula is as follows:
For the former population:
The subscripts of the variables are the codes of characters.
The discriminant results are found in Tab. 3 and Tab.4, which show that discriminant accuracy of the former silver carp population was 95.0% and the discriminant accuracy of the current silver carp population was 93.8%;and the discriminant accuracy of the former bighead carp population was 95.0% and the discriminant accuracy ofthe current bighead carp population was 93.8%. The discriminant effects of both groups were very significant(P<0.01). Such results indicate significant differences between the former and current populations of silver and bighead carp in their overall characteristics.
Tab. 3 Discriminant analysis of the two Hypophthalmichthys molitrix populations (based on five selected parameters)
Tab. 4 Discriminant analysis of the two Aristichthys nobilis populations (based on five selected parameters)
To determine which characteristics experienced specific changes between the current and former populations, we conducted single-factor variance analysis of the 30 parameters used to discriminate the two population groups (Tab. 5 and Tab. 6). Results demonstrated that between former and current populations, silver carp showed highly significant differences (P<0.01) in twelve characteristics and significant differences (P<0.05) in eight characteristics.Among all characteristic parameters, six representing head morphology (head length, head back length, snout length, eye orbit diameter, tip of snout, and starting point of pectoral fins) became larger, while fourteen representing length and depth of trunks and tails become smaller.
Between former and current populations, bighead carp showed highly significant differences (P<0.01) in eight and significant differences (P<0.05) in eight of their characteristic parameters. Among all characteristicparameters, six representing head morphology (head length, head depth, head back length, snout length, tip of snout, and starting point of pectoral fins) and the starting point of pelvic fin became very significantly larger, while ten including eye orbit diameter, pectoral fin length, and length and depth of trunks and tails become smaller.
Tab. 5 Characteristics of high variance between the two Hypophthalmichthys molitrix populations
Tab. 6 Characteristics of high variance between the two Aristichthys nobilis populations
The National Laojianghe Primary Breeding Farm is located in Jianli county of Hubei Province. The farm’s water body was formed naturally in 1901 as a remnant lake on the north in Jianli Section, Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River. In 1958, dams were constructed at the entrance and exit of the water way, forming a narrow horseshoe lake 22.5 km long, 1.1 km wide, and encompassing a 49.4 km of shoreline. Under normal conditions, when the water level is 27.5 m, the water surface area is 1840 km2, with the greatest water body depth of 19 m and average depth of 6 m. In 1991, the“Four Domesticated Fish Natural Germplam Resources Ecological Reserve of the Yangtze Water System” was established by the Ministry of Agriculture to protect these resources at the population level. Wild larva fish are collected from near the Yangtze River in May-June each year. The larvae are reared in the nursery pond until fish fry, when they were released into the lake without artificial feeding.
The largest silver or bighead carp living in the Yangtze River weigh up to 40 kg. The majority of silver carp become sexually mature at the age of three, while bighead carp become sexually mature at the age of four to five. Most parent fish breed in reaches possessing torrents and eddies, whilst young fish and already spawned parent fish tend to swim inhabit river bends and lakes for food and hibernation. During the process of growing from larva to adults, however, allometry occurs in some morphological characteristics (Osse et al, 1995)and overall features may change with individual ontogeny. According to our previous studies in the Yangtze River, significant allometry occurred in 73.3%of the morphological characteristics for silver carp between one and two years old and 56.7% for bighead carp between two and three years old. However, there was no significant allometry in the characteristic parameters of the same age group (Yu et al, 2010)
The specimens analyzed in this paper were all one-year old juveniles of similar body length, which allowed for natural differences arising from allometry to be eliminated. The average discriminant accuracies of former and current populations of silver and bighead carp were 94.2% and 98.0%, respectively, which indicates significant changes have taken place in the gross morphology of silver and bighead carp in the Yangtze River over the past 50 years. Single-factor analysis of variance indicated that between former and current populations, silver carp showed significant or very significant differences in 66.7% of their characteristics whereas bighead carp show significant or very significant differences in 53.3% of their characteristics. Among all characteristics, six related to the head morphology of silver and bighead carp became significantly or very significantly larger, while fourteen related to the trunks and tails of silver carp and ten of bighead carp became significantly or very significantly smaller. These results show that during the past 50 years,the heads of silver and bighead carp in the Yangtze River have tended to increase in size, while their trunks and tails have tended to decrease in size.
These morphological changes reflect the possible differences of silver and bighead carp in genetic factors and living environment before and after breeding over the last 50 years. Though the biological significance of such changes in fish populations and their heredity mechanisms remain unknown, such changes can be considered desirable. Previous studies have found that silver and bighead carp heads are not only rich in EPA,DHA, and EAA but also contain higher contents of fat,calcium, and phosphor than their muscles (Li et al, 2008).The economic and nutritious value of silver and bighead carp heads is, therefore, much greater than of their trunks.
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于紅霞, 唐文喬*, 李思發(fā)
(上海海洋大學(xué)魚類研究室,水產(chǎn)種質(zhì)資源發(fā)掘與利用教育部重點實驗室, 上海 201306)
采用多元分析方法, 對采自長江中游的上世紀中期(下稱早期)和本世紀初(下稱當前)的121尾1齡鰱、鳙的30項形態(tài)度量性狀進行了分析。依據(jù)對判別貢獻最大的5個參數(shù)所建立的判別公式, 對鰱、鳙早期和當前群體的平均判別準確率分別達94.2%和98.%, 顯示鰱或鳙的當前與早期群體間在總體上存在著顯著差異。單因素方差分析顯示, 在早期和當前群體間, 鰱有12個特征差異極顯著、8個差異顯著, 鳙分別有8個特征差異極顯著或顯著。其中, 鰱和鳙的6個顯著或極顯著變大的特征參數(shù)集中在頭部, 而14個鰱和10個鳙的顯著或極顯著變小的特征參數(shù)則主要集中在軀干部與尾部。研究表明, 最近 50年來長江鰱、鳙的頭及頭部特征有相對變大的趨勢, 而軀干部與尾部的許多特征參數(shù)則有相對變小的趨勢, 這些形態(tài)演變趨勢符合人們喜食魚頭、追求高經(jīng)濟效益的期望。
鰱; 鳙; 人工繁殖50年前后; 形態(tài)變遷趨勢; 中國長江
Q959.468; Q954.1
2010-06-04; 接受日期:2010-10-29
于紅霞(1982—), 女, 碩士研究生; 研究方向:魚類學(xué); E-mail:yuhongxia2002@163.com
10.3724/SP.J.1141.2010. 06651
date: 2010-06-04; Accepted date: 2010-10-29
s: National Natural Science Foundation of China (30630051); Aquaculture E-Institute of Shanghai Universities(03E009); Shanghai
Leading Academic Discipline Project(S30701)
*Corresponding author (通訊作者), E-mail: wqtang@shou.edu.cn
We are grateful to the Freshwater Fish Museum for providing former specimens. We also want to thank Prof. Liu Huanzhang who helped on several aspects of the work.