ZTE Communications
- Editorial:SpecialTopic on Wireless Intelligence for Behavior Sensing and Recognition
- HiddenTag:Enabling Person Identification Without Privacy Exposure
- Device-Free In-Air Gesture Recognition Based on RFID Tag Array
- Indoor Environment and Human Sensing via Millimeter Wave Radio:A Review
- Using UAV to Detect Truth for Clean Data Collection in Sensor-Cloud Systems
- ArtificialIntelligence Rehabilitation Evaluation and Training System for Degeneration of Joint Disease
- A Survey of Intelligent Sensing Technologies in Autonomous Driving
- QoE Management for 5G New Radio
- Super Resolution Sensing Technique for Distributed Resource Monitoring on Edge Clouds
- Semiconductor OpticalAmplifier and Gain Chip Used in Wavelength Tunable Lasers
- Feedback-Aware Anomaly Detection Through Logs for Large-Scale Software Systems
- ZTE Communications Guidelines for Authors
- The 9th EditorialBoard of ZTE Communications