ZTE Communications
- 100Gand Beyond:Trends in Ultrahigh-Speed Communications(Part I)
- Introduction to ZTECommunications
- High Spectral Efficiency 400G Transmission
- Greater than 200 Gb/s Transmission Using Direct-Detection Optical OFDM Superchannel
- Spatial Mode-Division Multiplexing for High-Speed Optical Coherent Detection Systems
- Exploiting the Faster-Than-Nyquist Concept in Wavelength-Division Multiplexing Systems Using Duobinary Shaping
- Super-Receiver Design for Superchannel Coherent Optical Systems
- Design of a Silicon-Based High-Speed Plasmonic Modulator
- The Key Technology in Optical OFDM-PON
- Compensating for Nonlinear Effects in Coherent-Detection Optical Transmission Systems
- 1 Tb/s Nyquist-WDM PM-RZ-QPSKSuperchannel Transmission over 1000 km SMF-28 with MAPEqualization
- Hardware Architecture of Polyphase Filter Banks Performing Embedded Resampling for Software-Defined Radio Front-Ends
- AHistogram-Based Static Error Correction Technique for Flash ADCs:Implementation