Zoological Research
- Progress in in vitro culture and gene editing of porcine spermatogonial stem cells
- Stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease using nonhuman primate models
- Counting stripes:revision of the Lipinia vittigera complex(Reptilia,Squamata,Scincidae)with description of two new species from Indochina
- Synchronization between frontal eye field and area V4 during free-gaze visual search
- A soluble FcγR homolog inhibits IgM antibody production in ayu spleen cells
- Immunodetection of ephrin receptors in the regenerating tail of the lizard Podarcis muralis suggests stimulation of differentiation and muscle segmentation
- Genetic diversity and temporal changes of an endemic cyprinid fish species,Ancherythroculter nigrocauda,from the upper reaches of Yangtze River
- Non-invasive genetic analysis indicates low population connectivity in vulnerable Chinese gorals:concerns for segregated population management
- Postural effect on manual laterality during grooming in northern white-cheeked gibbons(Nomascus leucogenys)
- A new species of Mountain Dragon(Reptilia:Agamidae:Diploderma)from the D.dymondi complex in southern Sichuan Province,China
- Nest sanitation facilitates egg recognition in the common tailorbird,a plaintive cuckoo host