World Journal of Clinical Oncology
- Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale may reduce medical visits in patients undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer
- Awareness, knowledge, and attitudes towards sun protection among patients with melanoma and atypical mole syndrome
- Short term safety of coronavirus disease 2019 vaccines in patients with solid tumors receiving systemic therapy
- Decreased incidence of febrile neutropenia in Michigan following masking and social distancing orders for the COVlD-19 pandemic:A population based cohort study
- iCEMlGE: lntegration of CEll-morphometrics, Mlcrobiome, and GEne biomarker signatures for risk stratification in breast cancers
- Clinical characteristics and outcomes in carbohydrate antigen 19-9 negative pancreatic cancer
- Necessity of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio monitoring for hypothyroidism using nivolumab in patients with cancer
- Assessing radiation dose for postoperative radiotherapy in prostate cancer:Real world data