Nuclear Science and Techniques
- First application of large reactivity measurement through rod drop based on three-dimensional space-time dynamics
- Cage-like radiotherapy system for noncoplanar radiotherapy
- The effects of beam drifts on elastic scattering measured by the large solid-angle covered detector array
- Development of a PARCS/Serpent model for neutronics analysis of the Dalat nuclear research reactor
- Uncertainty evaluation and correlation analysis of single-particle energies in phenomenological nuclear mean field:an investigation into propagating uncertainties for independent model parameters
- Simulation of an imaging system for internal contamination of lungs using MPA-MURA coded-aperture collimator
- Neutron-gamma discrimination method based on blind source separation and machine learning
- Probing granular inhomogeneity of a particle-emitting source by imaging two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations
- Investigation of factors affecting vertical sag of stretched wire
- A method for sharing dynamic geometry information in studies on liquid-based detectors
- Radiation dose distribution of liquid fueled thorium molten salt reactor