Medicinal Plant
- Research Progress of Mongolian Medicine Zadi-5 Pills in the Treatment of Depression
- Advances in Research of Cichorium intybus L. in Preventing and Treating Hyperuricemia
- Analysis of Action Mechanism of Fuxin Decoction on Heart Failure Based on Network Pharmacology
- Research Progress on Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Effect of Semen Cuscutae
- A Textual Research on Materia Medica of Origin of Orthonym and Synonym of Cuscutae Semen
- Study on Relationship between Myristicae Semen and Depression
Chemical Composition of Natural Medicine
Germplasm Resources and Cultivation
Processing of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Quality Control
- Optimization of the Ultrasonic-assisted Extraction Process for Total Flavonoids in Primula sikkimensis Hook. by Response Surface Methodology
- Establishment of the Determination Methods of Total Anthraquinone Content in Different Processed Products of Rhubarb
- Comparison of Different Processing Methods of Ziziphus jujuba Mill.
- Extraction Technology and Content Determination of Total Flavonoids from Traditional Chinese Medicine Yipichou
- Study on the Technological Conditions of Ultrasound-assisted Extraction of Polysaccharides from Ajuga ciliata Bunge (Fujian)
- Establishment of a Method for the Determination of Emodin in Wudajiangjun Liquor
- Determination of Content of Hyperin and Luteolin in Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less.
Animal Experiment
- Effects of Injection of Oregano Oil Submicron Emulsion on Lipopolysaccharide-induced Pneumonia in Rats
- Immunoregulation Effect of Red Ginseng Aqueous Extract on Mice
- Effects of Diet with "Lianteng" Additive of Chinese Herbal Medicine on Blood Biochemical Indexes, Immune and Antioxidant Function of Guangxi Sanhuang Chickens
- Effect of Polysaccharides from Hedyotis diffusa on Immune Cells of Small Intestinal Mucosa of Chicks
- Effects of Dachengqi Decoctions Made from Different Processed Products of Rhubarb on ABP Mice
- Catechol-derived Inhibitors against Quorum Sensing from Retiboletus kauffmanii