Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
- Channelmodeling and in fl uenced factoranalysis ofthe broadband dual-orthogonalpolarized MIMO land mobile satellite channel
- Application and improvementofwaveletpacketde-noising in satellite transponder
- Semidefinite programming approach for TDOA/GROA based source localization
- Wideband direction-of-arrivalestimation based on cubic spline function
- Full-duplex prototype based on jointpassive and digitalcancellation method
- Adaptive coherence estimatorbased on the Krylov subspace technique for airborne radar
- ISAR active jamming method based on sinusoidalmodulation
- Targetdetection and recognition in SAR imagery based on KFDA
- Application of DFT in bi-static RCS calculation of complex electrically large targets
- Optimalship imaging for shore-based ISAR using DCF estimation
- Tracking a maneuvering targetin clutter with out-of-sequence measurements for airborne radar
- Modeling and verifying SoS performance requirements of C4ISR systems
- Multi-criteria group decision making with fuzzy data: an extension ofthe VIKOR method
- Entropy measures oftype-2 intuitionistic fuzzy sets and type-2 triangular intuitionistic trapezodialfuzzy sets
- Comprehensive optimized GM(1,1)modeland application forshortterm forecasting of Chinese energy consumption and production
- BTT autopilotdesign for agile missiles with aerodynamic uncertainty
- Hierarchicalstructured robustadaptive attitude controller design for reusable launch vehicles
- Feature extension and matching for mobile robot globallocalization
- Task scheduling and virtualmachine allocation policy in cloud computing environment
- Monitoring time property in time-sensitive LSC
- Numericaldifferentiation ofnoisy data with local optimum by data segmentation
- Immune adaptive Gaussian mixture particle fi lter for state estimation
- Approximate trace and singleton failures equivalences for transition systems
- Adaptive backstepping fi nite-time sliding mode controlof spacecraftattitude tracking