Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
- Resource-constrained maximum network throughputon space networks
- Transmission upper limitofband-pass double-layer FSS and method oftransmission performance improvement
- Low-complexity fractionalphase estimation for totally blind channelestimation
- Pressure and velocity cross-spectrum ofnormalmodes in low-frequency acoustic vector fi eld ofshallow water and its application
- Simulation oftwo-dimensionalISAR decoys on a moving platform
- Security information factor based airborne radar RF stealth
- Targetdetection for low angle radar based on multi-frequency order-statistics
- High resolution wide swath revisitsynthetic aperture radar imaging mode and algorithm
- Learning Bayesian network structure with immune algorithm
- A framework for equipmentsystems-of-systems effectiveness evaluation using parallelexperiments approach
- Adaptive evolvementofinformation age C4ISR structure
- Hybridizing grey wolfoptimization with differentialevolution for globaloptimization and testscheduling for3D stacked SoC
- Solution to multiple attribute group decision making problems with two decision makers
- Modi fi ed super twisting controller for servicing to uncontrolled spacecraft
- Time-asynchrony identi fi cation between inertial sensors in SIMU
- Design ofa robustguidance law via active disturbance rejection control
- Dark channelprior based blurred image restoration method using totalvariation and morphology
- Analysis ofsystem trustworthiness based on information fl ow noninterference theory
- Evidentialmethod to identify in fl uentialnodes in complex networks
- Archimedean copula estimation ofdistribution algorithm based on arti fi cialbee colony algorithm
- Accelerated proportionaldegradation hazards-odds modelin accelerated degradation test
- Neuralnetwork based approach for time to crash prediction to cope with software aging
- Diagnosabilities ofexchanged hypercube networks under the pessimistic one-step diagnosis strategy