Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
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- Determination of uncertainties of geomechanical parameters of metamorphic rocks using petrographic analyses
- Evaluation of excavation damaged zones (EDZs) in Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory (URL)
- On the calibration of a shear stress criterion for rock joints to represent the full stress-strain profile
- Effect of dynamic loading orientation on fracture properties of surrounding rocks in twin tunnels
- Experimental study on the influences of cutter geometry and material on scraper wear during shield TBM tunnelling in abrasive sandy ground
- Effect of fracture fluid flowback on shale microfractures using CT scanning
- Mechanical behaviour of fiber-reinforced grout in rock bolt reinforcement
- Estimating shear strength of high-level pillars supported with cemented backfilling using the Hoek-Brown strength criterion
- Analysis of pressure response at an observation well against pressure build-up by early stage of CO2 geological storage project
- Wetting front migration model of ion-adsorption rare earth during the multi-hole unsaturated liquid injection
- Shear band evolution and acoustic emission characteristics of sandstone containing non-persistent flaws
- Numerical modelling of post-failure behaviors of coal specimens
- Experimental study on workability and permeability of sandy soils conditioned with thickened foam
- Mechanical responses of anchoring structure under triaxial cyclic loading
- Performances of fissured red sandstone after thermal treatment with constant-amplitude and low-cycle impacts
- Numerical analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced embankment performance under moving loads
- Evaluation of red soil-bentonite mixtures for compacted clay liners
- Analytical model for predicting time-dependent lateral deformation of geosynthetics-reinforced soil walls with modular block facing
- A creep model for ultra-deep salt rock considering thermal-mechanical damage under triaxial stress conditions
- Damage evolution of rock-encased-backfill structure under stepwise cyclic triaxial loading
- Predicting microseismic,acoustic emission and electromagnetic radiation data using neural networks
- Dynamic mechanical characteristics of deep Jinping marble in complex stress environments
- Temperature dependence of mechanical properties and damage evolution of hot dry rocks under rapid cooling
- Biomineralization and mineralization using microfluidics: A comparison study
- Effect of CO2 exposure on the mechanical strength of geopolymerstabilized sandy soils