Journal of Palaeogeography
- Palaeobiogeographical constraints on the distribution of foraminifers and rugose corals in the Carboniferous Tindouf Basin, South Morocco
- The palaeobiogeography of South American gomphotheres
- The response of deltaic systems to climatic and hydrological changes in Daihai Lake rift basin,Inner Mongolia, northern China
- Review of research in internal-wave and internal-tide deposits of China
- Classifications, sedimentary features and facies associations of tidal f lats
- Mesozoic lithofacies palaeogeography and petroleum prospectivity in North Carnarvon Basin, Australia
- Facies-succession and architecture of the thirdorder sequences and their stratigraphic framework of the Devonian in Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi area,South China
- 1st International Palaeogeography Conference September 14-17, 2013 Beijing, China
- Constitution of the Editorial Committee of Journal of Palaeogeography
- Palaeobiogeographical constraints on the distribution of foraminifers and rugose corals in the Carboniferous Tindouf Basin, South Morocco
- The response of deltaic systems to climatic and hydrological changes in Daihai Lake rift basin,Inner Mongolia, northern China