Journal of Integrative Agriculture
Crop Science
- ldentification and validation of stable and novel quantitative trait loci for pod shattering in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]
- dep1 improves rice grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency simultaneously by enhancing nitrogen and dry matter translocation
- Genotype×tillage interaction and the performance of winter bread wheat genotypes in temperate and cold dryland conditions
- Characterization and fine mapping of a semi-rolled leaf mutant srl3 in rice
- TaNF-YB11,a gene of NF-Y transcription factor family in Triticum aestivum,confers drought tolerance on plants via modulating osmolyte accumulation and reactive oxygen species homeostasis
- ldentification and validation of novel loci associated with wheat quality through a genome-wide association study
- Evidence of arrested silk growth in maize at high planting density using phenotypic and transcriptional analyses
- Cytological study on haploid male fertility in maize
Plant Protection
- Nonphytotoxic copper oxide nanoparticles are powerful“nanoweapons” that trigger resistance in tobacco against the soilborne fungal pathogen Phytophthora nicotianae
- Potassium sulphate induces resistance of rice against the rootknot nematode Meloidogyne graminicola
- ldentification of chorion genes and RNA interference-mediated functional characterization of chorion-1 in Plutella xylostella
Animal Science·Veterinary Medicine
- Genome-wide detection for runs of homozygosity analysis in three pig breeds from Chinese Taihu Basin and Landrace pigs by SLAFseq data
- Long-term effect of subacute ruminal acidosis on the morphology and function of rumen epithelial barrier in lactating goats
- Dynamic change of fungal community in the gastrointestinal tract of growing lambs
- lnfluence of preceding crop and tillage system on forage yield and quality of selected summer grass and legume forage crops under arid conditions
Agro-Ecosystem &Environment
- Substituting nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer with optimal amount of crop straw improves rice grain yield,nutrient use efficiency and soil carbon sequestration
- Apparent variations in nitrogen runoff and its uptake in paddy rice under straw incorporation
- Effects of different concentrations of super-absorbent polymers on soil structure and hydro-physical properties following continuous wetting and drying cycles