High Technology Letters
- Resource provisioning for computation and communication in multi-cell wireless networks
- Optimizing MDS-coded cache-enable wireless network:a blockchain-based cooperative deep reinforcement learning approach
- Study on blockchain technology from an information system perspective
- NGDcrm:a numeric graph dependency-based conflict resolution method for knowledge graph
- Research on behavior recognition algorithm based on SE-I3D-GRU network
- Magnetic circuit optimization and experimental study of new internally excited automatic balancing
- Optimal design and experiment research of an orthogonal-parallel six-axis force/torque sensor
- Joint position control of bionic jumping leg driven by pneumatic artificial muscle
- Multi-view recognition of fruit packing boxes based on features clustering angle
- Research on rapid development platform of PLC control system
- Analysis on the development status of DNA storage based on papers and patents
- Fault diagnosis of diesel engine valve clearance under variable operating condition based on soft interval SVM
- Blockchain-based verifiable computation with optimized resource allocation