The Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering (Bimonthly, started in 1982) is the official journal of the Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China and published by the Chemical Industry Press. The aim of the journal is to develop the international exchange of scientific and technical information in the field of chemical engineering. It publishes original research papers that cover the major advancements and achievements in chemical engineering in China as well as some articles from overseas contributors. The topics of journal include chemical engineering, chemical technology, biochemical engineering, energy and environmental engineering and other relevant fields. Papers are published on the basis of their relevance to theoretical research, practical application or potential uses in the industry as Research Papers, Research Notes, Chemical Engineering Data and Reviews. Prominent domestic and overseas chemical experts and scholars have been invited to form an International Advisory Board and the Editorial Committee. It enjoys recognition among Chinese academia and industry as a reliable source of information of what is going on in chemical engineering research, both domestic and abroad.
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering
Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena
- Effect of the shaft eccentricity and rotational direction on the mixing characteristics in cylindrical tank reactors
- Modeling and experimental studies of methyl methacrylate polymerization in a tubular reactor☆
- Design factors affecting the dynamic performance of soil suspension in an agitated,baffled tank
Separation Science and Engineering
- Optimal design of nanofiltration system for surface water treatment☆
- Adsorption equilibrium for Z-ligustilide on C18-bonded silica from supercritical carbon dioxide
- CO2/CH4 and CH4/N2 separation on isomeric metal organic frameworks☆
- Characterization of functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes and application as an effective filter for heavy metal removal from aqueous solutions☆
- MCM-36 zeolites tailored with acidic ionic liquid to regulate adsorption properties of isobutane and 1-butene☆
Catalysis,Kinetics and Reaction Engineering
- Degradation of phenol in industrial wastewater over the F–Fe/TiO2 photocatalysts under visible light illumination☆
- Kinetic effects of nanosecond discharge on ignition delay time☆
- Modification and sequential treatment of EU-1 zeolite in mild alkali and alkaline-acid conditions
- Catalytic kinetics of dimethyl ether one-step synthesis over CeO2–CaO–Pd/HZSM-5 catalyst in sulfur-containing syngas process☆
Process Systems Engineering and Process Safety
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
- A comprehensive fractal char combustion model☆
- Statistical mechanics and artificial intelligence to model the thermodynamic properties of pure and mixture of ionic liquids☆
- Investigation on molar heat capacity,standard molar enthalpy of combustion for guaiacol and acetyl guaiacol ester
- Molar volume of eutectic solvents as a function of molar composition and temperature☆