- Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamics of Torsional Wave Propulsion in Stationary Water
- High-Frequency Components in Numerical Wave Trains
- URANS Simulation on Diffraction Problem of a Vessel with Transom Stern
- Numerical Simulation of High Velocity Water Impact on the Rigid Plate by Discontinuous Galerkin Method
- Experimental Evaluation on a Newly Developed Dynamic Positioning Time Domain Simulation Program
Structural mechanics
- Prediction of Crack Growth Rates of a High Strength Titanium Alloy for Deep Sea Pressure Hull under Three Loading Patterns
- Fatigue Reliability Analyses Considering Short Crack and Dwell Time Effects
- Study on the Structural Strengthening Design under the Ship-ice Collision Load
- Forced Vibrations of a Submerged Finite Cylindrical Shell with an Internal Longitudinal Plate
- Research on the Fracture Toughness for Ship Cracked Plates Based on the Accumulative Increment Plastic Deformation