Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B
- Embedded Surfaces for Symplectic Circle Actions?
- The Betti Numbers of Real Toric Varieties Associated to Weyl Chambers of Type B?
- A Survey of the Homotopy Properties of Inclusion of Certain Types of Con figuration Spaces into the Cartesian Product*
- Torsion in the Cohomology of Torus Orbifolds?
- An Example Using Improved Lefschetz Duality?
- Virtual Braids,Virtual Temperley-Lieb Algebra and f-Polynomial?
- Topology of Moment-Angle Manifolds Arising from Flag Nestohedra?
- On Z3-Actions on Spin 4-Manifolds?
- Torsions of 3-Dimensional Small Covers
- Wedge Operations and Doubling Operations of Real Toric Manifolds
- Buchstaber Invariants of Universal Complexes?
- Ehrhart Polynomials of 3-Dimensional Simple Integral Convex Polytopes?
- On the Equivalence of Integral Tk-Cohomology Chern Numbers and Tk-K-Theoretic Chern Numbers?