Aquaculture and Fisheries
- Editorial: Global fish passage issues
- Achieving fish passage outcomes at irrigation infrastructure; a case study from the Lower Mekong Basin
- Evaluation of cone fishways to facilitate passage of small-bodied fish
- Effects of plunge pool configuration on downstream passage survival of juvenile blueback herring
- Providing refuges for adult Pacific lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus inside fishways
- Towards a downstream passage solution for out-migrating American eel(Anguilla rostrata) on the St. Lawrence River
- Loss of scleraxis leads to distinct reduction of mineralized intermuscular bone in zebra fish
- A chromosome-level genome assembly of the red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus
- Expression of multi-domain type III antifreeze proteins from the Antarctic eelpout (Lycodichths dearborni) in transgenic tobacco plants improves cold resistance
- Endosymbiotic pathogen-inhibitory gut bacteria in three Indian Major Carps under polyculture system: A step toward making a probiotics consortium
- Using Bayesian Bio-economic model to evaluate the management strategies of Ommastrephes bartramii in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
- Analysis of the impacts of socioeconomic factors on hiring an external labor force in tilapia farming in Southern Togo